Migrant trade union ÀÌÁֳ뵿Àڳ뵿Á¶ÇÕ
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We, Action Paper of Myunggi Univ, Report Here to Migrants¡¯Trade Union.

1. The Struggle for Migrants¡¯Trade Union Absolutely Has to Be Their Own Business.

We have seen many poor fellows; the chairman of a committee who was taken to the police by force simply because he had organized labor union, the union member who hurt an ankle while running before the Immigration Bureau, and many other fellows all over the country who were suspects to a police station. We think that you have been very painful whenever you witness those fellows on the street. However, we should overcome these pains for acquittal of our ¾È¿Í¸£ fellows and the basic rights of man and those to labor that let migrants¡¯ union work legally in Korea. In this hot summer, the migrants¡¯ union fellows are struggling for their human rights and they are the main group of Korean migrants¡¯ union. Therefore, the migrants¡¯ union has to be responsible for usual union action with the migrants¡¯ union from Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon as the central figure.

2. The Estimation About the Sit-Down Strike

Since the Korean government proclaimed our fellows to be deported in 2003 winter, they have kept going on a sit-down strike at Myeongdong Catholic Church because there is no other way except for the strike for them. However, in spite of their long-run stay-in strikes, the governmentThat is the result of limitation of the petitionary struggles like helpless sit-down strike and the signature-seeking campaign. is even tightening the deportation of migrants¡¯ union fellows. Now, it is the time that we have to take action more consciously to break extortion and pressure on the spot and carry on subjective movement for migrants¡¯ union fellows who ought to have the rights to labor. The only way to rescind the deportation order totally depends on the subjective struggle of our union fellows.

3. Strengthening Local Business

We have to build more local organizations to strengthen migrants¡¯ union. Each local organization has to make their own plans for strike and the central association should support them. Some plans like visiting each organization and man-to-man meeting are very active business. Also, local propaganda done by joint unit is required. To form ideal society where many migrants¡¯ union workers who have been discriminatingly and treated with contempt are able to lift up their voices for their rights, our fellows have to launch a nationwide movement.

4. Solidarity

Defending the migrants¡¯ union desperately is very important to the whole labor movement now. The Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers and Industrial Trainee System drive many migrant workers into the lowest social stratum; irregular workers. So, lowering a labor condition of migrant workers is also applied to Korean workers in the same way. It is needed the way to support and protect the Migrants' Trade Union struggle as Korean Confederation of Trade Union. And the workers in a subcontract factory should prohibit the migrants putting in a trainee. The migrants' union fellows who have a various nationality should joint and fight for the government with the idea that 'A Laber is one!'. It is the most important thing we have to keep in mind!

We are the ¾È¿Í¸£!
Let's keep the Union, and fight for the oppression!


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