Migrant trade union ÀÌÁֳ뵿Àڳ뵿Á¶ÇÕ
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2007-06-18 00:29:36
(Statement) The Ministry of Justice Must Admit the EPS is a Failure and Truly Revise the Migrant Workers System!

The Ministry of Justice Must Admit the EPS is a Failure and Truly Revise the Migrant Workers System!

Since the Yeosu Detention Center fire tragedy occurred on February 10 the Ministry of Justice has been working tirelessly to cover up its anti-human rights and racist nature by talking about plans for the legalization of undocumented migrant workers and the improvement of conditions in detention centers. However, on June 4 it announced that it would institute a system of penalties for employers who hire undocumented migrant workers and begin a joint crackdown in August. This announcement clearly demonstrates the Justice Ministry¡¯s intention to target undocumented migrant workers rather than truly address fundamental problems in South Korea¡¯s foreign labor system.

The crackdown plan clearly demonstrates the Justice Ministry¡¯s true nature, which it has been attempting to conceal. Even thought it failed in its attempt to blame the Yeosu fire on arson committed by an individual who could not even defend himself, the Ministry is still trying blame all the social problems related to migrant workers on undocumented migrant who are living in South Korea. However it is clear from looking at the chain of sad events that began with the February fire tragedy that the root of these problems is to be found in the government¡¯s misguided policy on migrant workers, which it continues to ruthlessly enforce despite obvious faults.  

The number of undocumented migrant workers in South Korea has now reached over 210 thousand. Even though the government has implemented a vicious man-hunting crackdown and deported over 100 thousand undocumented migrants the number only continues to increase. What does this tell us? It tells us that, just like the Industrial Trainee System, the Employment Permit System only continues to create more and more undocumented migrants.    

It is not possible to solve the current problem of undocumented migrant workers through a crackdown. The barbaric and brutal crackdown can only lead to one human rights abuse after another while thrusting migrant workers into a state of terror. With the first three year period of the EPS will be over this August 17, it is now the time to officially evaluate the EPS. However, even if the Ministry of Justice recognizes the system¡¯s faults and puts forward a plan for revision it is of little value in the face of the plan announced on June 4, which dumps all the responsibility on to undocumented migrants and calls for an all out attack against them. This plan is clearly racist disregard for the human rights and labor rights of minority ethnic groups in Korea.  

We hereby declare that we will firmly oppose the joint crackdown scheduled for August and struggle against the Ministry of Justice in order to win human rights and labor rights for migrant workers. If the Ministry does not immediately give up its plan and goes forth with its attack on migrant workers it and the administration must be prepared for the fierce struggle of migrant workers.

Our demands are as follows:

1. The Ministry of Justice must repeal its August crackdown plan and immediately legalize all undocumented migrant workers!

2. The Ministry of Justice must admit that the EPS is a failure and implement the Work Permit System!

3. The Ministry of Justice must stop its oppression of and attack on migrant workers and protect migrant workers human and labor rights!

7 June 2007
Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants¡¯ Trade Union

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