Migrant trade union ÀÌÁֳ뵿Àڳ뵿Á¶ÇÕ
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2009-12-13 22:59:05
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International Migrants Day Rally - "We are labor, labor is one"

Today 'Alliance for migrants equality and human rights' held International Migrants Day Rally - "We are labor, labor is one" in the Seoul station plaza.
Various migrants organizations including MTU participated in the rally and other Korean organizations like KCTU gathered too.
Opening concert was Indonesian workers' band. They filled the place with full energy and migrants
KCTU vice president and Amnesty International officer condemned the government and demanded
the migrants' rights.
MTU representative also raised migrant workers' voice.(see the following)
Korean singer and Korean language class student group's performance followed.
In spite of the cold weather, participants stayed and enjoyed the rally.
Each country migrants groups and Korean groups had speeches.
In the end all of migrants went on the stage and sang the song "we shall overcome" in English, Nepali, Bangladesh and Korea. The migrants lifted up the picket "LABOR IS ONE", each letter filled with participants' photos. It was wonderful performance.
Thanks to all participants.

<MTU member's speech>

We have gathered here  on this day to celebrate a momentous occasion for the migrants of the world. On December 18, 1990, the United Nations and all of it's member states have finally recognized that migrant workers have suffered abuse, have been violated, are denied of their humanity and therefore it is imperative for migrants human rights to be protected and assured by law.
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Although the UN Convention for the Protection of Migrants and their Families was entered into force, and December 18 has been declared as International Migrants Day, until now only 40 states have ratified the convention.
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Major labor importing countries like Korea have up to now refused to recognize and protect the migrant workers and their rights. In fact, the Korean goverment instead of protecting migrants rights, are futher marginalizing migrants by alienating us from Korean society.... criminalizing undocumented migrant workers, propagandizing that migrant workers are prone to commiting crime, sensationalizing in the papers every bit of issue against migrant workers/foreigners (like gangster groups, linking migrants to Islamic extremist terror groups, violent actions done by a few foriegners are heavily sensationalized in the media). They commodifying migrant workers by continuing to treat us as disposable labor, the system continues to break up families and relationships by not allowing us to bring our loved ones, and the system continues to restrain migrants from accessing their labor rights.
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We, the migrant workers, have been treated like commodities by the governments of our countries, by the governments of our host countries, by our employers and some members of the society. We are treated like tools, machines, slaves, animals...

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In spite of our hard work, despite our sacrifices, even with all the economic gains that these institutions and individuals reap from the labor of migrant workers, we have only been seen as workers, not human beings. In the capitalist society, workers are nothing more than machines. If machines run on gas, workers run on money. But workers are not machines, more than anything else, what we need is for our rights to be respected.
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The industries and governments steals from migrant workers. Our health, our quality of life, our human dignity, our families and loved ones, our time. The salaries we recieve and at times we dont recieve from these companies are not nearly enough to compensate for our losses but still we sacrifice for that ray of hope that someday, our children, our future, would not have to suffer the same fate that we did.

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We call for all the migrants and workers of the world to unite!
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We are labor!
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We are one!
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