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   Are all Christians are crazy???
Apakah Semua Orang Kristen Itu Gila???


Are all Christians crazy???

This is a wonderful question, particularly because the Bible says that all Christians are blessed when they are persecuted and when all kinds of evil are spoken against them falsely for Jesus¡¯ sake (Matthew 5:11).

In Romans 12:19, it is written, ¡°Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ¡®Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.¡¯¡± All Christians believe this word because as scripture itself testifies, ¡°For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.¡± found in Psalm 33:4.

However, some people say that since the Word of God, all its teachings, events and miracles found in the Bible were written many centuries ago, and they are not related to our lives today.

Beloved, Jesus is still the same, yesterday, today and forever. This also infers that HIS authority and HIS Power are still the same, yesterday, today and forever, and that is the reason why all Christians believe it wholeheartedly.

Christians are the same as any other human being. They can have a bad feeling if you persecute them and say all kinds of evil against them falsely, but the difference is that they will never do the same to you because they know the rule of God, that Vengeance is not in their hands. God will repay.

If you are a Non Christian or a lukewarm Christian who does not want to believe the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, you can easily say that the words which are written in the Bible are similar to advertisements which made the people believe them and because of it, so many people become Christians. To be honest, one can say that such people are not true, born again Christians.

My dear, you may say that and that is your right, but our Lord will not be slandered like that. So please be careful what you say. In Indonesia our Lord has shown HIS power and HIS authority to the world.

Two years ago, before Christmas day, many non Christian people threatened the Christians at Banda Aceh. They said that if they celebrated Christmas at Banda Aceh, the North Sumatra Island of Indonesia, there would be many bombs, so all Christians were afraid to celebrate Christmas there. But they persevered and finally celebrated Christmas on the top of the hill. But what was happened? The Tsunami came the next day and killed all people who threatened the Christians just one day before.

Churches which were demolished by non Christians with a bulldozer, but the house of those people who demolished the Churches were also demolished by God with an earthquake in Sleman, Bantul and in several other places close to Merapi Vulcanos. Much vengeance was undertaken by God because all the Indonesian Christians trusted our Lord fully, fasted and prayed, and simply trusted our Lord Jesus Christ.

Why did not all these events happen in other locations of the world? We can just tell you, that if you trust the Lord fully, the Lord will also work fully for you. Our Lord is not only the same yesterday, today and for ever, but HIS POWER and AUTHORITY are everywhere in the world. Please do not feel doubt the Lord, but trust HIM fully, just like Daniel did in the Old Testament, even though he was thrown into the lion¡¯s den. But the lions did not eat him, and many things which are written in the Bible are not just stories, but they are true, and we should all believe them. May God bless you with true and sincere faith in Christ Jesus.    

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

Hai saudara saudaraku yang kekasih, kamu senantiasa taat; karena itu tetaplah kerjakan keselamatanmu dengan takut dan gentar, bukan saja seperti waktu aku masih hadir, tetapi terlebih pula sekarang waktu aku tidak hadir (Philippians 2:12) (FILIPI 2:12)

   ASAN FESTIVAL 10TH. SEPT. 2006 12:00 P.M.

Muslim Mustika
   September meeting at Asan near Cheonan

Asan Sarang Nanum

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