According to a daily here (Junge Welt, 9.7) about 40 per cent of the young migrants after the finished this year the school don’t get a apprenticeship (professional training/education – you need here to get a “well” paid job in the industry or service). “Especially in Berlin the situation is very dramatic”, so the German daily. Already several years ago in the district where I was living – ha, now I’m forced to live here again - (more then 50 per cent of the population are migrants, in some areas many more) about 70 per cent don’t got a professional training. One of the reasons: even the most of them were born here, but they don’t know the German language, not really. Usually when they were/are little children their grandparents took/take care of them. So, when they come in the school they don’t know German. In some schools are about 90 per cent migrant children... so the teachers have no chances...

The main reason of this situation: the migrants were/are forced to find flats just in some few areas, because there the rent was/is very cheap. And so they were forced to create kinds of ghettos...