Seminar Sheds Light on Migrant Workers

South Korea's largest labor umbrella group and delegations from 49 other countries asked the United Nations to acknowledge the right of migrant workers to work with dignity as a part of their basic human rights.

Suppression of migrant workers is getting fiercer in many countries and their human rights are often violated, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions said Thursday while reporting its activities at an international seminar held at Geneva, Switzerland Tuesday.

People from Malaysia, Mali, Columbia, Switzerland and the United States testified about many cases of inhumane treatment of migrant workers.

Luis Alfonso de Alba, president of the Human Rights Council, said a state should not suppress the rights of other nationals, regardless of circumstances. He said the issue will be carefully studied at the UN.

Korea set an example of migrant workers' activities there, the confederation spokeswoman Oh Moon-sook said. The panels showed interest in the establishment of trade unions by migrant workers, he said.

``The migrant workers' issue is a global one that should be discussed from an international perspective. Our organization will struggle against all suppressive crackdowns on unregistered migrant workers and their deportation,'' Oh said.

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민주노총·이주노조, UN인권이사회 7차 총회 참석 (참세상, 3.20)