글 수 340
305 Philippines Emplement of the revised EPS
50291   2009-12-28 2011-12-20 17:28
Emplement of the revised EPS In last October, the congress passed the revised Employment Permit System policy. In this new version, the Korean government neglected most of what the migrants’ activist groups suggested—such as abolition of restriction on workplace change, extended job search period (from the current 2 months to 6 months), and 5-year stay permit. Some provisions of the revised version will be effective on December 10THandtherestwillbeginfromApril10th,2010. Provisions effect...  
304 Philippines Stop the proposed revisions to the immigration law!
53241   2009-12-28 2011-06-22 17:13
The 2012 bill proposes fingerprinting and collecting identification photo when a foreign national enters and register in Korea. On November 11th, the Korean government advanced a revised immigration law in the National Assembly and is pressing for it to pass into legislation by the end of the year. The core contents of the reform is as follows: 1) to eliminate criticism on illegal crackdowns, the term “protection” will encapsulate “arrest” and “incarceration”, 2) Upon entry int...  
303 Philippines UN and ILO call for the prompt registration of the MTU
41742   2009-12-28 2011-09-26 20:02
On November 20th, the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) recommended that the Korean government promptly register MTU and stop targeted crackdown against its leaders. On the 24th, in its recommendation on the condition of human rights in Korea, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(CESCR) also recommended that the Korean government officially recognize MTU. We demand that the Korean government immediately endorse MTU!  
302 Philippines Nation-wide action against intensified crackdown
45434   2009-12-28 2011-06-22 16:54
Since the Korean government began the intensified crackdown on October 12th, the immigration raid has been taking place almost everyday. In the process of raid, the immigration has committed violence that severely compromises migrants’ human rights. For example, in Kimhae, a Chinese migrant fell off and broke his right ankle while escaping from the immigration. In Pusan, a documented worker was mistakenly arrested and released later. The immigration even raided a Nepalese restaurant without the ow...  
301 Nepal The Experiences of Filipino migrants’ union, “United Filipinos in Hong Kong”
42466   2009-12-28 2011-06-22 16:54
lkmnLkLgf] k|jflz o'lgog, United Filipinos in HongKong sf] cg'ea ;+u7g / k|lzIf0f s[ofsnk xfdLx? ;g !((* df 3/]n' sfdbf/x? ldn]/ dhb'/ o'lgog agfosf] xf] . xª\sªdf dxLnf sfdbf/ x?sf] cfGbf]ng /fd|f] kSIf xf] . k|jflz cfGbf]ng df clwsf/sf] nflu ;+3if{ ug]{ dlxnfx?x'g . 3/]n' sfdbf/ x? xKtfdf ^ lbg sfd ub{5g / cOtjf/sf] lbg ! lbg dfq labf j:b5g . To;}n] ;+u7g ug]{ sfd cfOtjf/ ub{5f} . sfd ubf{ sf] ;dodf df]afon kmf]g af6 ;+u7g ug]{ ub{5f} . o;l/ df]jfon kmf]gsf] ;xof]u af6 ;Dks{ ubf{ ...  
300 Nepal Meeting with migrant workers activists from Hong Kong
42906   2009-12-28 2011-06-22 16:54
Pd\=l6=o"= / xª\sª\ k|jf;L >lds ln8/x? lar e]63f6 xªsª k|jf;L >ldsx?sf] cj:yf / -OG8f]g]l;of k|jf;L o'lgogsf] ;lqmotf_ : OG8f]g]l;of >lds o'lgogsf cWoIf ->Lª_ k|jf;L >lds o"lgog n] xªsªdf /x]sf k|jf;L >lds ;+u7gstf{x?;Fu e]63r6 u/]sf] lyof] . OG8f]g]l;of / lkmlnlkg k|jf;L >lds o"lgog xªsª >lds sfo{stf{x?;Fu e]63f6 ul/of] . lo o"lgogx? ;a} xªsª >lds o'lgog tyf dfxf;+3 leq btf{ ePsf 5g\ . e]6af6 logLxsf] ;+3if{ / ;+u7gaf/] ;+o'Qm jftf{nfk ul/ d'Vo s'/fx? a'em\g] df}sf kfOof] . xªsªdf nueu @ nfv ^% ...  
299 Nepal Achievements of Migrant workers' movement
33109   2009-12-28 2011-06-22 16:54
cfjfh ;u} kl/at{g MTU Organizing Director tGq sf]l/ofdf pRr cf}wf]uLs s|GtL n] ubf{ sf]l/ofsf] cf}wf]uLs If]qdf k|aflz dhb'/sf] cfafZostf b]vf k/]kl5 ;g !(*& b]lv k|aflz dhb'/ x? cfo/ cf}wf]lus sfdbf/sf] ?kdf sfd ug{ ;'? u/] nut} k|aflz dhb'/ x? k|lt sf]l/og ;dfhsf] gsf/fTds l4i6Lsf]0f b]vf k?of] .. ;g () sf] bzsdf 7'nf] ;Vofdf k|aflz dhb'/ x? sf]l/o k|a]z ul/ sfd ug{ yfn] . sf]l/og dhb'/ sfg'gsf] kfGgfdf k|aflz dhb'/ x? k|lt s'g} klg zAb geosf] caZyfdf cj]j:yLt cf}wf]uLs If]qdf ca}wflgs ...