[seventh report]Sit-in Struggle against the crackdown in th
“우리는 범죄자가 아니다! 우리는 테러리스트가 아니다!”
We are not criminals! We are not terrorists!
G-20을 빌미로 한 단속추방 반대 농성
Sit-in Struggle against the crackdown in the name of G-20
seventh report
* Aug 9 (Mon)
Sit-in struggle 28days and president's hunger strike 16days. The condition of MTU president got better and was able to be discharged from the hospital. He will receive the outpatient treatment. Though he was in the hospital temporarily, he decide to keep on doing hunger strike.
* Aug 10 (Tue)
Sit-in struggle 29days and president's hunger strike 17days. In the morning time, the KEEP(Korean education and exposure program) participants from the U.S visited our sit-in place. We had discussion on the migrant workers situation in Korea and they made solidarity posters for us. They were so wonderful. In the afternoon, JCMK and Nanummunhwa visited us. Hyanglin church people also gave us support fund.

* Aug 11 (Wed)
Sit-in struggle 30days and president's hunger strike 18days. We visited Suwon jobcenter and Suwon immigration office to solve some cases. Still, unpaid wage problems make migrant workers suffer. Even many employers hold migrants' passports and ID cards, not registering to the immigration office, so later migrant workers have to pay huge fine. Those are very absurd. We still have much things to struggle against.
In the afternoon, KCTU Seoul council leadership visited and in the evening, Seoul general union steering committee members visited us. General union gave us support fund. Thank you.

* Aug 12 (Thu)
Sit-in struggle 31days and president's hunger strike 19days. In the morning time, there was rainbow school Korean language class. Sit-in participants Korean gets better day by day.:)
President went to the hospital. His health condition is better now. In the afternoon, KDLP(Korean democratic lanbor party) Seoul branch new leader visited us. And two Filipino workers visited our sit-in place to support the struggle. In the evening, IT union visited us.


 The Migrants Trade Union has been conducting a sit-in protest at Hyangrin Church in Myeongdong since July 13 to protest the South Korean government’s unjust crackdown against undocumented migrant workers. 
MTU’s President began a hunger strike on July 25.
This act is an earnest call for an end to the criminalization of and repression against undocumented migrants’ rights. We ask for you solidarity and support.
Please send messages of solidarity to:
Please post news of the sit-in protest on your website.
* Every Friday there is a candlelight vigil against the crackdown in front of the Myeong cathdral.