[sixth report]Sit-in Struggle against the crackdown in the
“우리는 범죄자가 아니다! 우리는 테러리스트가 아니다!”
We are not criminals! We are not terrorists!
G-20을 빌미로 한 단속추방 반대 농성
Sit-in Struggle against the crackdown in the name of G-20
sixth report

*Hunger strike for 13days, president vomited blood and in a hospital now
On Aug 6(Fri) MTU president, after 13days hunger strike against the crackdown in the name of G-20, suddenly vomited some blood and was sent to a hospital emergency room. He is now in the ICU for further observation.
Around 1am, he vomited and 2am was seen by doctor in the sit-in place. The doctor advised him to go to a hospital. In the hospital emergency room he got the gastric irrigation and endoscopy to find the bleeding points. There were several ulcers in his stomach and duodenum. It was very hard time, but now he got stabilized and kept on saying that he could do the hunger strike after treatment
*Aug 4 (Wed)
A Filipino came to have counseling and some Nepalese and Bangladesh members visited the sit-in place to support our struggle. KCTU Seoul council leaderships, Public service union vice-president and anti-Samsung activist Lee Jonglan visited to support our struggle. Also, General unions council leader, Choi Manjeong came and joined one day hunger strike and Seoul general union members came.
*Aug 5 (Thu)
In the morning time, Rainbow school-Korean language class- volunteers came and taught Korean. In the afternoon, Korean irregular workers center visited to have interview. Several Bangladesh members also came to support and comrades Heo younggu, Moon seongjoon and Yoo gisoo visited here. Thank you everybody.
*Aug 6 (Fri)
Public service union Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon branch people, Hyanglin church pastor Lim bora, church people and ex-KDLP Seoul branch leader visited sit-in place.
In the afetrnoon, rainbow school volunteers educated Korean and some movement songs. Also we had Friday candlelight vigil from around 7pm. More than 100 participants prayed for the recovery of MTU president. After that, LGBT human rights group visited sit-in place.
*Aug 7 (Sat)
We had member education program at night in the sit-in place. We invited the director of a film, "3xFTM" and watched the film together. After the movie, we had discussion time on the sexual minorities. It was good to raise awareness on sexual minorities. Many members and non members joined and STU migrants member came at midnight from Daegu. Thank you so much.

 The Migrants Trade Union has been conducting a sit-in protest at Hyangrin Church in Myeongdong since July 13 to protest the South Korean government’s unjust crackdown against undocumented migrant workers. 
MTU’s President began a hunger strike on July 25.
This act is an earnest call for an end to the criminalization of and repression against undocumented migrants’ rights. We ask for you solidarity and support.
Please send messages of solidarity to:
Please post news of the sit-in protest on your website.
* On every Friday 7pm, there is a candlelight vigil against the crackdown in front of the Myeong cathdral.