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Name   no chr.!
Subject   01.11/Last days' struggle report

(¼­¿ï, 05.01.11)

Actually the week started with a kind of unpleasant event. On Sunday, January 9, a political - they call themselves left wing - group organized in the Korea University a meeting to remind the 100th anniversary of the 1905 revolution in Russia (please it check out  any searching machine in the Internet).

After a  "lecture" about the background/history of the issue, held by one of the leading figures of the group, a open microphone for contributions and questions was offered.
Here some non-organized youth were asking about the bloody suppression of the Kronstadt uprising [thousands of rebelling red guards, but also women, children and non-involved people were killed by the "Red" Army and the CHEKA (Soviet Russia secret service) armed forces] in the Soviet Russia in 1921 and the part of Trotsky in this process [more about this issue possibly in one of the next articles(?)]. In the answer, given by the same guy who made the opening "lecture", he blamed "anarchists" and other "reactionaries" for the uprising (ha, no surprise!!) and called it a "tragic  necessity" event (nearly the same wrote Socialist Worker Review, No 136, 11/1990, SWP monthly magazine). Anyway, beside historical untruths... - if the "left" is still continuing in defending massacres, above all against their/our own former comrades, we should not wonder, that no one (of the masses of the "ordinary" people) is following us!!!

Yesterday, Monday, Jan. 10, at 1 pm the protest rally against the activities against the people who are defend their homes and basis of existence (about this struggle it was already reported like here)  took place in front of Jongno-gu (district) Office.

But even hundreds, perhaps more than thousand, of people were reading before the call, no one of other activists, except people, who are organized in Àüö¿¬, joined the protest. So about 60 activists from different areas who are defending their homes/existence, such as from Yongsan, Wolgok-dong, Eulchiro 2-ga, Ilsan/Pung-dong (recently their long and strange struggle was successful) gathered in front of Jongno-gu Office and demanded the stop of the destruction of the historical a Pimat-gol, were hundreds of families were living/had their basis of existence.

In speeches and songs they condemned the inhumanity of the recent "developments" in Seoul, on the costs of the "ordinary", non-rich citizens. Everyone on the rally agreed, that if we cannot stop this process of destruction Seoul in the near future will be a city just for the rich, the capitalist class.

And such as the destruction of the environment, the destruction of the cities, later, even we have the socialism, we cannot change anymore. All this old areas, buildings will be lost for ever.

But for to avoid that, everyone must get the knowledge,  that only by strong and continuing struggle in unity we can stop this process. If we leave the activists, who are fighting right now for their homes/basis of existence, alone they - and we all - will lose!! A Korean article about the protest you can read here.

While the rally in front of Jongno-gu office was ending without serious incidents, we had to learn, that in Euljiro 2-ga criminal gangs, hired by the construction company which wants to build there a huge skyscraper, are attacking the activists there who are defending since last year their homes/basis of existence (here it was already reported about that struggle).

Arriving there, the picture, what we had to see it was more the scene of a kind of "civil war"!! The gangsters were throwing with stones, bottles, fire extinguishers and other stuff in the direction of the defenders.

Before they already destroyed the shelter of the activists, where they used to spend the nights and during bad weather.

Just the remains of the shelter

After some time of fierce fighting at around 5:15 units of the riot cops arrived and - to our surprise - they stoped the attackers (usually they are supporting, by backing them) and battle was over. There were no serious injuries on the side of the defenders.

Actually this fact, that the cops were not attacking the defenders, could be an indication, that the "authorities" are not interested in a big showdown, that they - possibly - are scared in the public opinion. If this is the reality, it means also, if we are defending together in unity this area, we have a chance to win the struggle, at least in the Euljiro area. But for that everyone should realize the necessity of this struggle and the need of unity!!
Finally the yesterday's struggle day was finished by a strong manifestation of the activist's will not to give up, no matter the costs of the fight.

-->NEW! Finally here you can see a video (running time: 7:24 min, click the button above the pictures) about the struggle in Euljiro 2-ga.

A gangster, on the top of the building, is filming the protest.



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no chr.!
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no chr.!

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