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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   ¸íµ¿³ó¼ºÅõÀï: a short summary¡¦
¡¦of the last developments

After the successful rally last Saturday also on our struggle area the everyday life is dominating. Morning rallies, daily propaganda activities in our neighborhood, education programs and our night rallies are determining our everyday life.
But sometimes we also get some surprises. Like on Tuesday: during our midday propaganda activity, distributing leaflets, shouting slogans and discussing with pedestrians a immigration officer wanted to scare us, by telling that this were illegal activities and we¡¯d to stop that. But, perhaps he didn¡¯t know, but because we¡¯re ¡°illegal¡± so we also don¡¯t care if our activities are ¡°illegal¡± or not. Later he called the cops, but they also didn¡¯t care (maybe because it was during lunchtime and they wanted to eat and rest) and he left alone and could do nothing except to realize his powerlessness.
Yesterday we participated on KCTU¡¯s rally near Gwanghwamun against government¡¯s policy of oppression of union¡¯s activities. There we got the possibility to hold the opening speech.
After the rally we went back by feet to our struggle area. After entering Myeongdong shopping district we¡¯d a surprise for the cops and immigration officers, hanging around there: we formed a small, but powerful demonstration, ending with a final rally on Myeongdong Cathedral¡¯s compound. And of course the demonstration was also ¡°illegal¡±!
And now we eager for Friday¡¯s Cultural Struggle Festival – were we will have also some surprises for the audience – and fallowing weekend¡¯s activities. And of course we¡¯re very curious what the comrades from ¡°Struggle&Rice¡± (ÅõÀï°ú, will offer us on Saturday, because on this day they want to cook for us.
By the way: the place of Sunday¡¯s protest, in opposition what we wrote on Monday, isn¡¯t confirmed yet.  

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