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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   ¸íµ¿³ó¼ºÅõÀï short information
Since the beginning of manhunt, Nov 17, 800 migrant workers were arrested. Government announced yesterday that they have the plan to arrest today and tomorrow 500 more. It means massive pressure on the hiding migrant workers in the different areas. According to persons, well confident with the subject, also the sit-in struggle team will be more in danger, especially the comrades who have to leave sometimes Myeongdong Cathedral¡¯s compound.
But even the risk will be higher from today, still the atmosphere on our struggle place is great and we await in suspense today¡¯s Cultural Struggle Festival at 7 pm. JOIN THE EVENT! YOU¡¯RE WELLCOME!

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