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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   International Migrant Day
Short summary about our yesterday¡¯s activities

Dec 18, in many countries celebrated as International Migrant Day, so we did this too.
In the morning we started with a rally in front of Immigration Office in Mokdong. Because the other sit-in teams didn¡¯t join us, we were only around hundred protesters, but our motivation was really high, so the atmosphere was very powerful. We accused that the activities of the staff inside the building leads to the result that many migrants are scared and even some of the saw only one solution: commit suicide. And by repeated shouting in the direction of the office we let them feel all our rage and hate.
In the afternoon a rally on Millenium Plaza (Jongno/Samsung Tower) were held, followed by a short demonstration to nearby Tapgol Park. Nearly in the beginning of the march, the riot cops tried to attack us, but with the support of our Korean comrades we were able to defend us and no migrant got arrested. A while later, on the entrance to Insadong-gil, the cops tried to block and attack a large group of Chinese migrants. But also here the resistance had some effects and the cops had to withdrawal. We could prevent some arrests, respectively freed some comrades already taken by the cops. Two Korean comrades were arrested, but today they will be released. The event was finished by a powerful rally in front of Tapgol Park.
In the night we held a candlelight rally on Myeongdong Cathedral¡¯s compound. Later we finished the day with a demonstration - more than 120 people participated - through Myeongdong¡¯s shopping district. And because we didn¡¯t ask for permission our march was illegal. But especially on a day like that it makes some sense: an illegal demonstration performed by ¡°illegal¡± people. And very funny, just when we came back to our struggle area, "our solidarity team¡± – the riot cops - arrived. But they were clearly to late!
Of course on tomorrow¡¯s anti-war rally we will participate and if the cops again want to attack us, they will find out again that we are not defenseless! We will strike back!

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