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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Bidu's 1st letter sent from B.D. after released from custody
Long lives revolution.

Dear comrades,

As you know the events before 29 of December 2003. Here I stating those
events happened with me from 29 of December 2003.

[All times written in this mail is Korean time]

At 11.00am of 29 December emigration police transfer me to Hwaseong jail from

At 06.15am of 30 December 10 emigration police came to me woke up. They tell
me they will send back me to Bangladesh by any cost, they also told me that
this order is given by high officials of Korean government. By force they
took me to a car & bring me to INSON AIRPORT at 8.15am. In INSON AIRPORT 20
more emigration police was waiting for me. Total 30 emigration police cordon
me up aircraft. They didn't even make me a phone to any body. Korean air
takes off at 9.00am to Hong Kong. In the aircraft 4 emigration police was
with me & they came to Bangladesh also with me. We land at Hong Kong at
01.15pm. We holt in Hong Kong till January 1,2004. At 1.00am of January 1,
2004.we start for Bangladesh at 1.00am of January 1, 2004. Due to fog we
fail to land at Bangladesh & we land at Bangkok. In Bangkok we spent 1.30
hour, then we retune back to Hong Kong at 10.30am. At 12.30 we again start
for Bangladesh. We land at 5.00pm. In Bangladesh. Those four emigration
police hand over me to Bangladesh emigration police. They had miss behaved
with me. Then hand over me to Airport police at 01.00am of January 2, 2004
same day police have send me to court applying 7 days remand, court send me
for 1 days remand. In January 2, 2004.police again send me to court applying
to transfer me in jail, but court grant my application of bail.

The way four emigration police of Korea give lie & wrong information to
Bangladesh emigration police, they told that a terrorist, and what I did is
noting but terrorism. They force Bangladesh Ministry of home to open a file
saying that a treat to their nation. I get good behavior from the police in
remand for my relatives who are in high government post & I am not bailed if
those relatives don't try for my bail. They request for me to the magistrate
of the court other wise by this time I my self & Jamal will be in Jail by
this time I think all that happened is illegal.

I am grateful to all my comrades who have with me & think of me.

With revolutionary greetings

Md. Bidduth. [BIDU]

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