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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Yesterday's rally...
¡¦was not so successful, not really. Why? We were not able to organize (many) supporters for the rally. The main reason: we ¡°informed¡± the public to late that we are organizing for this event - just our mistake.
The reason why we decided to rally anyway: the Ministry of ¡°Justice¡± refused our request to have a meeting with them. Instead they asked who we are, what we want¡¦ [ÇÏÇÏ, they don¡¯t know us!? ÇÏ, the Immigration Office even sent a documentation team! (by the way, we kicked them out)]
But anyway the rally (even our activities are looking more and more like hit and run actions) was not so bad – just it showed our really strong spirit: ¡°Never we¡¯ll give up our fight!¡±. And our night rally on the ¡°occupied territories¡± was also very powerful and a kind of funny! If you want to know why, just join one of our next events, like the rally tomorrow (ìí/ÀÏ/Sun.) in Suwon, 2 pm, in front of Suwon stn.

And please don't forget the PROTEST LETTER to "our" president!


JOIN Æĺ´¹Ý´ëRALLY (±¤È­¹®, ¿ÀÈÄ 5½Ã) TODAY!

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