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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   04/02/16 struggle report

Yesterday¡¯s MSSC Struggle Report (04/02/16)

After immigration officers captured Samar we decided to fight back. But this was meaning that we¡¯d to go in the front of ¡°the cave of the lion¡± – to Mokdong Immigration Office. After some delays we arrived there at 3 pm. Many of our supporters already were on the spot (and had to wait for us around 30 min. Sorry!). The riot cops also were already there, but because of the mass rally on Yeoui-do they were able to send only few of third class cops. But near the building¡¯s entrance a lot of immigration officers – at least 40 – were hanging around and ready to take action against us (see picture #2). And several times it seemed that they start soon. So the part to observe their activities was not very relaxing, not really. But maybe because they realized that they were inferior to us in numbers – we, all together (thanks a lot to our supporters! We think only because of your numerous appear we¡¯re still in ¡°freedom¡±), were at least 150 people – they gave up their plans. But at least two third of the rally time, fortunately it lasted only one hour there, was a real threat, that they will attack us. After the rally – we showed them that everything what us doesn¡¯t kill, makes us only stronger – everyone was happy to sit in our buses back to Myeong-dong.
Same time while the buses brought MSSC members back to Myeong-dong, together with some Struggle and Rice supporters one ETU-MB member went to Yeoui-do with the plan to join the anti-FTA rally there to show migrant workers solidarity with the struggle of Korean farmers. Arrived there they¡¯d to learn that, at first the bill about FTA has already ¡°successful¡± passed the National Assembly and secondly that the main battle was over. Thousand of riot cops (see picture #4) and a few farmers and their supporters were remaining there. But the whole area looked just like a real battle-field – damn, what was going on there?
By the way, the government believes that only they can surprise us? We¡¯ll teach them what is a surprise!

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