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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   samar's last letter from nepal
dear comrades 2jeng !!!!!!!

how is going on?
i'm busy here every single day.
last wednesday i came to kathmandu (capital) because of my case.
you know very well, korean immigration deported me without any documents except
single photo-copy of my passport.
so, nepalese immigration did not agree to leave me go out.
i talked also with korean immigration officers about incompleat documents and asked to
give responce for that but it was very late and we were confused with each other.
finally, nepalese immigration bring in the detention.
next day GEfont staffs, my relatives and friends come to see me in detention
GEfont staffs talked with detention chief about me and i got release in a
deposite. than i had to bring some documents to make finish my case
so, today i go to nepalese foreign affairs and in korean embassy.
i prepared 1. passport certify letter and 2. korean visa certify letter
than i go to nepalese immigration head office and give it to them.
but sitll my case is not finished. i have to go there after two months.
by the way it is my situation. still i got no time to talk openly with GEfont staffs.
tomorrow i want to meet them and talk about our future plan.
bajra is also in his village so, i'm felling hard.
by the way i want to do my best for our struggle and also for may day.
dear comrades take courage and do your best.
every step of life is 2jeng am i right?
so, do not upset, do not give up our struggle.
dificulty teach us more and  make us more powerful.
today when i go to korean immigration i talked with one of korean staff (ladies, Mrs.Kim)
it was nice to talk in Korean language. she is very perfect to talk nepalese language.
she helped me to prepare letter.
comrades take care of health
god bless every one and give us victory.
love always

yours comrade samar thapa

2jeng !!!! 2jeng

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