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Name   no chr.!
Subject   Last Days' Report

ÚãÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇ/Úãîú/ÚãÚ¸±º(ÜÃͱ, ¼­¿ï, 05.03.06)

Last Wednesday, March 2, in the early afternoon more than 100 street vendor activists and some supporters protested against the expulsion of street vendors from the area around LOTTE Department Store (LDS) in Myeong-dong (here you can read the article and see pictures about the rally and demonstration).

Against the oppression of street vendors

Tuesday, March 8, 1 pm
LOTTE department store Myeong-dong

Latest news: Last night/very early morning the sit-in struggle collective in front of LDS was attacked by criminal gangsters, hired by LOTTE group. The attack was backed by the riot cops. The latest about that you can see here, read here and here. JOIN TUESDAY'S PROTEST!!

Like every Thursday evening on March 3 peace activists gathered in front of Kyobo B/D near Gwanghwamun to protest against the ongoing aggressions in Iraq and the participation of South Korean troops in that war crimes. The number of participants and also the performances were nearly the same like the weeks before.

But on that evening there was one surprise: Kang Cheol-min, a former military service man, spoke to the audience (more pictures about the event you can see here).

In November 2003, when the S. Korean government decided to send more additional combat troops to Iraq, Kang Cheol-min decided ¡© he just had spend some vacation days ¡© not to return to his army unit as a protest against the government¡¯s plans. Some days after his birthday, on Nov 22, he was arrested and sentenced to one and half year prison.

Now, last Thursday, in his speech - just some days ago he was released after spending one year and three month in prison - he thanked all his supporters for their solidarity, he promised never to give up his struggle against militarism and invited the audience for a kind of official ¡°Welcome Ceremony¡± one days later.

So on Friday about 20 people followed the invitation and joined together with Kang Cheol-min¡¯s friends and relatives his coming back. After the ¡°official¡± ceremony the participants had a nice get-together in an atmosphere of solidarity and a kind of unity until deep in the night.

Meanwhile yesterday about 600 people (according to the Internet magazine Voice of the People - the reporter was not able to report personal, 'cause the lack of money)??gathered in Pyeongtaek, a city south of Seoul against the relocation of USFK (United States Forces Korea) troops, still located in and north of Seoul. Since long time the citizens there are struggling against the troops already stationed there and of course they are also against the plan of relocation. Here you can read an article about yesterday¡¯s rally and here about a struggle event last year.

Here just some impressions of the last days by pictures:



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