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Name   no chr.!
Subject   Mok-dong "Holiday In", a.k.a. ¡¦ (# 1)


Following a more deteiled, comprehensive report about it. But because of the lack of time/money to use a useful computer it will come in series.

SIDC, for the people who don¡¯t know it, is located in the Seoul Immigration Office in Yangcheong-gu (district)/Mok-dong in the Southwest of Seoul, in the 5th floor of the building.

There are two sections, one for female detainees and one for male. According to one longterm detainee there in the section for the women there can be detained around 30 of them.
The section for the male detainees has an area of around 200 square meters, including
one common room, one cell, located left of it, with about 30 square meters, including one
very little room (around 4 square meters) and one ¡°traditional¡± toilet/¡±bathroom¡± (there the shower isn¡¯t working). Here in this cell usually between 20 and 35 detainees spend the day and night. Behind the ¡°common room¡± a corridor (12 square meters) is located. Left and right of it are two more cells. Each cell has an area of 18 square meters, including two toilets, but only two showers are working. In this cells usually between 8 and 15, but sometimes also until 20 detainees spend day and night. Right behind the ¡°common room¡± an arrest cell (4 square meters) is located. Here detainees are isolated (locked in), who are resisting in any way, or just feel/are ill (!!).
In the ¡°common room¡± and in the smaller cells are 2 card telephones (but in the smaller cells just two are working) and in the cell left of the ¡°common room¡± are 4 phones.
All cells and the ¡°common room¡± have right or respective left windows with iron bars (in the cells about 50 cm high). Between here and the outside wall are narrow corridors. The windows in the outside walls are darkened, so the detainees never can see if it is raining or the sun is shining. From outside the windows must be black, like in cars.
In the entire cells/rooms are all together just two thin mattresses and all the other detainees have to use just thin blankets – depend on the number of them two, one or just none.

Will be continued soon.

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