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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   police attack against us. first short report
Yesterday during our memorial rally for the victims of the present manhunt and deportation policy against migrant workers here at least four police officers were hanging around close to our struggle place. We wanted that they leave the area and so we told them this. During argue with them they told us ¡°Don¡¯t go out here, otherwise we¡¯ll arrest you¡±.
After finishing the rally we started to form a demonstration, but only some moments later a horde of riot cops arrived, armed with shields and truncheons. At first our Korean supporters, students, the members of ¡°Struggle and Rice¡± and some unionists went out of our struggle place. Immediately the cops blocked the road, leading down to Myeongdong shopping mile. A kind of battle erupted, while the sit-in struggle activists leaved the struggle area. While the struggle on the front was going on, from the backside the next horde of cops arrived, so we – the migrant activists - were forced to withdraw back to the compound. On the ¡°border¡± of our struggle area we hold a powerful rally and our supporters were holding, partly blocking the street.
This was the first direct confrontation with the riot cops, but we can be sure more stuff like this will follow in the next days. But it means also that we need more support and solidarity, because, perhaps, we¡¯re in danger to be attacked now continuously by the cops.
Some pictures you can see  on the PDS section (¡°photo¡±). The rest, about the activities y¡¯day and before y¡¯day you can see later today.        

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