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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Christmas and migrant workers
A not so sad experience

Before yesterday – at Christmas Eve - members of ¡°direct action¡± (THANX A LOT!!!!), students from several universities are organized there, presented for us a cultural night in ¼º½Å¿©´ë. It was funny to see one ¡°mime¡± created by the students, hunt the next. About 150 people joined the event.
Later, back on our struggle site, we¡¯d to learn that we¡¯re not alone anymore: tenth of thousands of Christians went on a pilgrimage to Myeongdong Cathedral. So, nothing was more near, we started with several propaganda performances – and it was very successful. Many (lets say hundreds) people came to us to show their solidarity or to donate some money to support our struggle. We delivered leaflets for the adults and tangerines for the kids.
After this – the majority of the ¡°pilgrims¡± went home – we started with a small but nice cultural night until 4 o¡¯clock in the morning.
Yesterday, on Christmas holyday, it was quiet on our struggle site, we used the day for recovery. In the evening around 20 members and supporters of "Struggle and Rice" ( made a delicious supper for us. Also for them: THANX A LOT!

Today, together with striking workers from Samsung life insurance and the construction workers, also occupying Myeongdong compound, we will have a cultural struggle festival. The event will start at 7pm.

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