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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Our weekend¡¯s activities, short report
On Saturday, for the first time, we - Meyongdong Sit-in Struggle Collective – made a kind of agit-prop in the subway of Seoul. Even it was a bit too crowded we had much pleasure, because we¡¯d to learn, that the ¡°ordinary¡± citizens very kind to us, and our struggle. Even several times we got applause for our speeches we held in the subway. So we decided that we will regular continue our agit-prop tours.
On Sunday we – the Myeongdong Sit-in Collective and the Korean Human Right Center Incheon – had a rally and demo in Incheon. 200 people joined. And the first time no cops bothered us. Even not so many people participated the atmosphere, especially during the performance of Yeon Yeong-seok was great and we got a large audience by by-passers. Our rally was supported by: All Together, Peoples Solidarity for Social Progress, Democratic Labor Party, Direct Action and students from the Incheon University. Thanks to all of you!
After this we got an invitation to Inha University in Incheon. At first no one knew what for, but there we¡¯d to learn that it was not for dinner, how some expected, it was a dance theater performance. It was very interesting, because never we saw something like that before. The play with the titel "Mother's 'star'" was in a style, mixed from soviet agit-prop from the 20¡¯s of the last century, Chinese revolutionary theater from the time of the Culture Revolution and some North Korean stuff.
The content in short words: A cleaning worker in a department store, treated bad by the management and some customers, feels herself helpless. The propaganda of trade union is fruitless in her case. Her son is working in a factory. One day, she¡¯s repairing his jacket, she had to learn that he got fired from the factory. This experience and the fact that that her son now started to struggle in the trade union against capitalism brought her to the insight, that only all workers, organized in the union can be victorious.
All in all, it was a successful weekend with some interesting surprises.

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