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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Bidu's 2nd letter
Long live Our labors Movement.

Dear comrades in Korea,

Whether I am in Korea or in Bangladesh, I am always with you comrades, until
all of our labor right is achieved please continue you movement.
We have to pay price for our right, it may cost our job, may even our life.
I know my migrant & Korean comrades are great enough to even sacrifice
their life for our great movement.

My dear comrades in Korea,

To day we have created an opportunity to achieve some thing for labor from
government. Don't miss this opportunity if even it cost blood, you will pay
it. You will pay it for a better future of your children & to present a
class lass society for our next generations. May be we will not able to
enjoy the result of our movement but our future generation will get those
rights what we didn't get. At list they will not need to fight like us, they
will enjoy every thing as we will in future.

Thanking all the comrade


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