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Name   ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ
Subject   Yesterday's first victorious fight in the current year

MSSC, Yesterday¡¯s Struggle Report (04/02/09)

How we promised we joined yesterday¡¯s rallies on Yeouido, but because of security reasons we were able only to send one delegate.
The first rally, it begun at 11 am, against the plan to dispatch additional troops to Iraq was more unspectacular although there were many more people than the days before. After the rally during the lunchtime break the delegate met members from ÅõÀï°ú ¹ä. After the break the second rally, organized by DLP begun, also not very spectacular, not really, but again more people then the days before. On this rally the topic of FTA were added.
Meanwhile our delegate met the next group of our supporters: members of ZEN. In the same time tenth of thousand farmers gathered in Yeouido Park and protested there also against FTA and WTO.
The DLP rally turned over in the anti-FTA rally, but fortunately also here the troop dispatching plans were a important issue. Slowly the crowd was increasing to the number of around 1000 people.
At around 4 pm the farmers from Yeouido Park arrived and joined the rally. But only moment later fights between the farmers and the riot cops erupted short wile later led to massive street battles. The cops declared the rally as an illegal one and wanted to finish it by force (here you could see the sharpen edges bellow, perhaps very ¡°useful¡± if the cops want to kill people) and several times they tried to attack the rally, but the protesters were able to fight them back and in the following 7 hours they were able to held the cops (some thousand) on a secure distance. In the case that the cops really tried something a massive rain of stones flow in their direction (and the stones were not small, not really), even just when the cops repeatedly declared that the demonstration is illegal they got a new wave of stones. Here our delegate met the third group of our supporters – student solidarity group.
00.15 Yonhap reported that the voting over the bill was failed ¡°because of a controversy over how the vote will be made¡±. But perhaps the MP¡¯s are only afraid about the reactions of their voters if again they vote against voters and peoples will. And ofcourse never we will learn the truth, not from them, not from their media, but it doesn¡¯t matter.
Anyway, yesterday¡¯s event teaches us a very important lesson about how to prevent, for example, the new bill about the additional troop dispatching¡¦
Ha, and today our international secretary had his first quite convenient (ÇÏÇÏ) speech on a rally!


Please don¡¯t forget our PROTEST CAMPAIGN

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