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  Matee¾¾ÀÇ ±â°í¹® ¿µ¾î¿ø¹®
  Dear Sir
  I'm Pakistani worker in Korea and my name is Matee.
  I'd like to tell you something as followings;
  My Korean friend,Alice Kim translated my article into Korean.
  I want to bring the attention of the Ministry of Justice and Labor along with the Human Rights organizations in Korea and in the world to a very important issue in S.Korea now a days going on.
  According to the New Foreigner Labor Policy of Korean Government the illegal Foreigners, who have been in Korea for Five years or more than five.....they must have to go back to their countries .
  All the foreigner workers who could be counted in this category, they came to Korea in 1996 or 1997. The year of 1997, the year of Korean Economical Crises, the worst Economical Crises in Korean History.
  The Economists and the analysis ts of the world gave their opinions about the Korean Economy that it could not take off before 10-years.
  A lot of foreigner workers decided to go back to their homelands. But there were many foreigners, decided not to go back but to stay in this country and wait for the time of prosperity.
  They suffered a lot along with the Koreans as well equally. That was the time when most of the Korean families and workers left their country (went abroad). They thought that now living in Korean is a waste of 10-years.
  And many committed the suicides in depression. In that crucial time of crises the foreigner workers continued to work in industries in the most miserable conditions.
  Many of them worker in industries only for food and residence . Many of them could not get their several months' salaries but they did not give up.
  They kept the hand of hope by thinking like that ups and downs is a part of life. They thought that they should not betray their owners (who asked them to continue to work because the Korean workers refused to work at low wages) and the country form where they had been made livings.
  They thought that no matter today are the bad days but the good time will come. They stayed loyal to their second homeland, to their owners.
  They had been living in the most miserable dormitories, they some times had been living on only one meal in a day, they traveled to the far long distances for jobs.
  They tolerated the most vicious comments of most of the ignorant Koreans (Some Koreans called them the Korean Robers) in spite of working harder than the others and at the lower wages than the Korean workers.
  WHY? Just for the best future of not only theirs but the Korea's,too. They did the hardship along with their broken owners when their own people left them.
  And now when Korean Economy came back on track again with all the efforts of Korean and foreigner workers The Ministry of Justice of Korea decided to kick those foreigners out of Korea through a strict Crack Down on Illegal foreigner workers, giving them the realization that we don't need you now, the workers who stayed with them in their those days, who suffered along with them in those days equally.
  In the past the crack down procedure was that only immigration officers had been checked the industries but this time they decided to involve the police in this crack down to wash them off completely.
  They only thing which they gave to these categorized illegal feigner's is that if they go back to their countries during the Amnesty period (up to Nov. 15, 2003) they would be able to come back to Korea again, in other case they would not be liable to enter in Korea for next five years.
  And this concession to these illegal foreigners is the most ridiculous. Perhaps the policy makers don't know that the foreigner workers pay a lot of money to the the agents of overseas employment companies (some of which is legal and much of which is illegal) to get the 3-d Visa.
  And the most important thing to think is that would the Korean Embassies entertain these kind of illegal foreigner workers' passports while the policy is that usually the Embassies don't let enter in their courtyards to these kind of passport holders.
  And their is one more thing that the whole procedure indicates that whatever the foreigner workers made during these past 3 or 4 years after the Korean Crises they should return it back to Korean agents and overseas employment agencies. Does it make any sense?
  Q-1 What is the standard of justice in Korea?
  Q-2 What is the the standard of paying for the diligences in Korea?
  Is this that who stayed loyal to you, you should betray them first?
  Q-3 What is the standard of humanity in Korea?
  Is this that who suffered along with you in your those days, Kick them off first?
  Q-4 Buddhism is the dominant religion of Korea.
  What is the Justice of Buddha?
  Is this that who remained loyal in your problems betray them first?
  Q-5 Christianity is the second dominant religion of Korea.
  What is the Justice of Jesus?
  Is this that who helped you to get boost you economy, crush them first?
  Q-6 What is the standard of gratitude of labor in Korea?
  Is this that which hands worked hard to bring you out of weather, put the
  chains them?
  Q-7 What is the standard of love and affection in Korea?
  Is this that who are working in 3-ds (d-1 Dirty, d-2 dangerous d-3 difficult) call them as robbers and treat them like slaves.
  Thank you for reading
  Best regards


876    [Æß/ZNet] ÀÌ°Ç 1¿ù 28ÀÏÀÚ ±â»ç (¿ª½Ã Jamie Doucette) ³ë¹Ù¸® 2004/02/28  366
875    [Æß/ZNet] ÀÌ°Ç 2¿ù 23ÀÏÀÚ (Jamie Doucette) ³ë¹Ù¸® 2004/02/28  401
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869    [Æß] ÃкҽÃÀ§¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºÒ¸¸/¼î¸£½î¶ì ±¹¹Î¹ßÀÇ 2004/04/06  280
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865    [Æß]°Ç¼³³ëÁ¶ °ø¾Èź¾Ð °ø´ëÀ§¿¡ ¹Ù¶õ´Ù. ¹Ý°Ý 2004/06/01  332
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833    "10.17 ±¹Á¦°øµ¿¹ÝÀüÇൿ"¿¡ ÇÔ²² ÇսôÙ!! ¹ÝÀüÆòÈ­°øµ¿Çൿ(ÁØ) 2004/09/17  321
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829    "2004 ÀüÀï°ú º¯ÇõÀÇ ½Ã´ë" ¿¡ ¿©·¯ºÐÀ» ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! ´ÙÇÔ²² 2004/07/28  252
828    "2004 ÀüÀï°ú º¯ÇõÀÇ ½Ã´ë" ¿¡ ¿©·¯ºÐÀ» ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! ´ÙÇÔ²² 2004/07/30  291
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826    "±×¶§ ±×»ç¶÷µé" - 2/1 ¹ÎÁÖ³ëÃÑ Àӽà ´ë´ë ½ÇȲ ´Ù½Ãº¸±â (¿µ»ó 5Æí) ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2005/02/22  263
825    "±âµ¿´ÜÀå´Ô Ä¡ÇϹ®" ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/11/10  312
824    "³ëµ¿ÀÚ ÅõÀï°ú Á¤Ä¡¼¼·ÂÈ­" Åä·Ðȸ ¾È³» ¹ÎÁßÇൿ(ÁØ) 2004/03/02  328
823    "¹ÝÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇÀÚµé°ú »çȸÁÖÀÇÀÚµéÀÇ Æ÷·³ÀÌÀÚ ÃàÁ¦!!" ´ÙÇÔ²² 2004/08/12  262
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819    "¾ï¾Ð¹Þ´Â »ç¶÷µé°ú ³ëµ¿ÀÚ°è±Þ!" ´ëÇзλçȸÆ÷·³ 2004/07/26  297
818    "Àΰ£´ä°Ô »ì°í ½Í´Ù" Èñ±ë 2004/05/31  529
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816    "Á¤ºÎ, ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ¿¡°Ô ÇÁ¶ôÄ¡ °­¿ä¡± ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2005/04/25  1009
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813    "ÅõÀïÇÏ´Â ¿ì¸®ÀÇ ´«¹°" (24:45) [ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ³ó¼ºÅõÀï 380ÀÏ/´ÙÅ¥¸àÅ͸®] [1] ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2004/12/05  260
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810    '2004 ÀüÀï°ú º¯ÇõÀÇ ½Ã´ë' ¿¡ ¿©·¯ºÐÀ» ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù! ´ÙÇÔ²² 2004/07/21  280
809    '2004 ÀüÀï°ú º¯ÇõÀÇ ½Ã´ë'¿¡ ÇÔ²²ÇսôÙ! ´ÙÇÔ²² 2004/08/14  286
808    '200ÀÏ ±â³äÁýȸ'»çÁøÀÌ¿ä!!! ±¸¸®½ÃÁö±¸´ç 2004/06/03  329
807    '5¿ù 31ÀÏ ºÒ¾ÈÁ¤³ëµ¿°ú ºó°ï¿¡ ÀúÇ×ÇÏ´Â °øµ¿Çൿ'ÀÌ ½ÃÀ۵˴ϴÙ. ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2004/05/21  331
806    '±º¼ÒÁ¤´ç Á¤Ã¥Åä·Ðȸ' ½Ã¹Î¹æ¼Û RTV »ýÁß°è ±âÈ£11¹ø 2004/04/12  269
805    '³ª´Â Àå¾ÖÀÎÀÌÀÚ °Ç°­ÇÑ º¸¼öÁÖÀÇÀÚÀÌ´Ù' ±è¿À´Þ 2004/01/10  353
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798    'ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ÀαÇã±â' ¹æ¼Û¸ð´ÏÅÍ ±³½Ç ¹Î¾ð·Ã 2003/05/13  858
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796    'ÀαǼ±¾ð'¿¡ Âü¿©ÇÒ ºÒ¾ÈÁ¤³ëµ¿ÀÚµé°ú ºó¹ÎµéÀ» ¸ðÁýÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2004/05/16  354
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792    ¡°³ëµ¿ÀÚ ÇÑ±æ ²à²àÀÌ °É¾î¿À½Å Á¤À±±¤ È常¦ ÁöÁöÇÕ´Ï´Ù¡± ³ëµ¿ÀÚ 2004/05/23  281
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783    ¡á Àΰ£»ç³É²Û, Â÷¶ó¸® ºÎ½Ãº¸´Ù ¸øÇÑ ³ë¹«Çö. »õº­¸® 2004/01/08  318
782    ¢º[±âÈ£ 5¹ø]ÀÌ¿µÈñ ÃÖ°íÀ§¿ø Èĺ¸ÀÇ ¸ðµç°ÍÀÌ ¿©±â¿¡! ÀÌ¿µÈñ¼±´ëº» 2004/06/01  326
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778    ¢É [°­ÁÂ] '¼Ò¼öÀÚ À뱂 ̣±â' ¹æ¼Û¸ð´ÏÅͱ³½Ç ¹Î¾ð·Ã 2003/05/09  790
777    ¢Ð¢Ñ »ì¾Æ°¡´Â ¾ê±â 6 - 4.3 Ç×ÀïÀ» µÇµ¹¾Æ º½ ÇöÀå21 2003/04/03  1426
776    ¢Ð¢Ñ À̶óÅ© ħ°ø°ú Çѹݵµ ÀüÀïÀ§±â ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/04/04  839
775    ¢Ð¢Ñ ¹Ù±×´Ùµå¿¡¼­ ¿Â ÆíÁö ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/03/27  845
774    ¢Ð¢Ñ ¼Óº¸> ¹ÎÁÖ³ëÃÑ ±ä±ÞÁöħ ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/03/27  690
773    ¢Ð¢Ñ ¿ï»ê ºÏ±¸ÀÇȸ °áÀǹ® ¹ÎÁֳ뵿´ç¿ø 2003/03/31  824
772    ¢Ð¢Ñ À̶óÅ© ħ°ø 50¹® 50´ä ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/03/24  674
771    ¢Ð¢Ñ À̶óÅ© ħ°ø°ú Çѹݵµ Á¤¼¼ÀÇ Çâ¹æ ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/04/16  1313
770    ¢Ð¢Ñ ÀÚÁÖÆòÈ­¿Í ÅëÀÏ¿¡ ºÎÃÄ... (º´»çÀÇ ¹ã) ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/03/31  899
769    ¢Ð¢Ñ ÃÊ¿ø¿¡ Æø°ÝÇÏÁö ¸¶¼¼¿ä ¹Ý¹Ì¹ÝÀü 2003/03/25  669
768    °¡¼ö ȲÇý¿µ,±èµ¿¼º ¼±¼ö '³ì»ö»ç¹Î´ç ÁöÁöÇÑ´Ù 11¹ø 2004/04/12  509
767    °¡ÀÚ!> ¼­¿ï·Î ÀÚÁÖµ¹ÀÌ 2003/06/09  943
766    °¡Â¥Á¤¾¾ ³ëÁ¤±ÇÀÇ 3³âÁ¤Ä¡¿Í Áß±¹ ÀϺ»ÀÇ ÆиÁ½Ã±â! ±Ý¼º 2004/02/20  419
765    °¨»çÀÇ ±Û - ±ÝȣŸÀ̾îºñÁ¤±ÔÁ÷³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ ±ÝŸ ºñÁ¤±ÔÁ÷ À§¿øÀå 2004/05/03  261
764    °­¿ø´ëÇб³ »çȸÇаúÀÔ´Ï´Ù [4] ±èÈÆ 2003/09/18  256
763    °­À̺´³ó¼ºÁöÁö ÀÛÀº¹®È­Á¦ '½ÉºÃ´Ù°­Ã¶¹Î' ³ó¼ºÁö¿ø´Ü 2003/11/24  286
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761    °­Á¦Ãß¹æ ÀúÁö¿Í Àü¸éÇÕ¹ýÈ­¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¿©¼öÁö¿ª °áÀÇ´ëȸ ÀÌÇö±Ý 2004/02/25  292
760    °­Á¦Ãß¹æµÈ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ¸¦ ÈÄ¿øÇϱâ À§ÇÑ ´ë¾È´Þ°Å¸®´ë ¸¸µé±â Migrant 2005/03/23  333
759    °­Á¦Ãß¹æ¹Ý´ë, ¹Ìµî·ÏÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ Àü¸éÇÕ¹ýÈ­,»ç¾÷Àå À̵¿±Ç È®º¸¸¦ À§ÇÑ °øµ¿±âÀÚȸ°ß ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2004/03/02  416
758    °­Á¦Ãß¹æÀúÁö! ¹Ìµî·ÏÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ Àü¸éÇÕ¹ýÈ­!¸¦ À§ÇÑ ³ó¼ºÅõÀï 4ÀÏÂ÷ ³ó¼ºÅõÀï´Ü 4ÀÏÂ÷ 2003/11/19  329
757    °­Á¦Ãß¹æÀúÁö! ¹Ìµî·ÏÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ Àü¸éÇÕ¹ýÈ­¸¦ À§ÇÑ ³ó/¼º/Åõ/Àï/´Ü/ ȨÆäÀÌÁö ¹è³Ê ´Ù´Â ¹ýÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/11/22  275
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