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Name   samar thapa
Subject   2jeng
Dear Comreds
At first I would like to congratulate all our Ironical Comrades for their brave heart and wide mind. It is almost 267 days of our struggle. Relly, historical and fearless struggle of migrants over ther world.
Comrades, we know the sentences "No fight, No Win; No Pain, No Gain"
So, it is true, one day we'll reach to our goal and we'll have our Victory. All the pains which you are facing it will be changed in to gain. However, Korean government is trying to oppress hard and forced deportation to undocumented migrant workers, but the problem is going more serious and serious. The number of undocumented migrants are increasing and increasing...
Even government and MOJ knows very well about it. But it is very look their unhuman behave and evil crackdown on migrant workers. So, it is what Myongdong sit-in, it is what the voice of Migrtants' become loud and now they are fearless to face their problems.
The solution of undocumented migrant workers is not a is not a new suggetion to MOJ and government...cause they are well informed about it. Korea, it self is a democratic country but for migrant workers and grass root workers...? we can not belive it. But it is true "time brings the tides" So, comrades do not move back nor become a hopeless. Do your best ever. It is a struggle of all the migrant workers who'r working hard for Korean Economic Progress. Every single comrade is representing the fundamental rights of migrant workers and their families. So, be proud of your self and  move ahead.
I like to thanks all the supporting groups (Trade Unions, NGOs, INGOs, Students, Social/Religious/Public groups) who are diong very hard for our rights. I hope it will help to change the Korean society and will make a beautiful country on the world.
Againg I like to suggest for unification, cooperation and soidarity among all workers. Lastly, regards to all our comrades and wishes of victory of every struggles.
Longlive Solidarity
samar thapa

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