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Name   Àü³ë·ÃNFSVK
Subject   [±¹Á¦¿¬´ë] ³ëÁ¡»ó, ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ °ü·Ã ¿Ü±¹¿¡ º¸³½ ¼Ò½Ä

¾Æ·¡´Â ±¹Á¦³ëÁ¡»ó¿¬ÇÕ µî ´Ù¸¥ ³ª¶ó ³ëÁ¡»ó, ºñ°ø½Ä³ëµ¿ÀÚ ´Üü, ³ëÃÑ, È°µ¿°¡µé¿¡°Ô º¸³½ Çѱ¹ ¼Ò½ÄÀÔ´Ï´Ù.


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Dear comrades




South Korean government went crazy!


1. Reprssions on street vendors

2. "Migrants Workers are suspected terrorists"?

3. Report of NFSVK's national congress and Asia Social & Peoples Movements Summit




1. After Korean national holiday 'Chuseok'(just like 'Thanksgiving Day'), almost all municipalities started crackdown on street vendors.

  Under the cloak of improving urban environment and creating 'streets without cars'/'special districts of culture' without thinking of the rights of street vendors.

  As you know, municipalities and policy makers should consider environment, culture, citizens, and the people living in the street altogether, but they are just thinking of 'money' and 'construction' in the name of 'environment' and 'culture'. To support large 'Mart's, they are enforcing 'Improving Project of Tradtional Market' and 'Building a Composite Building of Housing and Marketing', through which almost all the residents lose their housing and street vendors and market vendors lose their working places.


2. As you know, South Korean government enforced dispatching troops to Iraq to support USA government. And after that, some mazagines pressed that 'Al Caeda' targeted South Korea.

  But South Korean government would not reflect their bad conducts. (subscribing to War just for money and military capitals.) Instead, the government is strengthening repressions on peoples.

  Especially, please see the example of repression on migrant workers. Early this month, Korean government and major magazines said that:


: Chosun Ilbo: "Anti-Korea Acitivities by Illegal Migrants Increased"



¡°Gov't Security Measures to Target Illegal Aliens: Lawmaker

SEOUL, Oct. 3 (Yonhap) -- The government has compiled comprehensive measures to deal with the increasing number of illegal foreign residents involving in anti-South Korean activities, a lawmaker said Sunday.
The Justice Ministry established measures in April on anti-government activities by illegal immigrants, specifying the scope of anti-government activities and the legal grounds for and levels of punishment to be applied to those engaged in such activities, Rep. Kim Jae-gyeong of the main opposition Grand National Party said.¡±

  As you know, Korean migrant workers are having Sit-in Struggles against crackdown on migrant workers demanding 'legazling all undocumented migrant workers' and 'abolishing EPS(Employment Permit System)' & 'guaranting working visa and WPS(Working Permit System)'. But on 1 October, Korean government enforced starting EPS which do not permit rights to move working places and 3 labour rights in fact. They think migrant workers as 'animals' not 'human-beings'.

  And at last, South Korean government started to spotting Korean migrant workers - especially, those from Muslim countries- as 'suspected terrorists'. Oh, my god! You can say that South Korean government and president Roh went crazy.


: Press Conference: We are not terrorists! Stop repression and crackdown!




Yours Heechul of NFSVK

(National Federation of Street Vendors of Korea)


p.s Below is the Report of NFSVK's national congress held last 13 June.


Report of the 2004 National Congress of NFSVK

by Shin Hee-chul, international director of NFSVK

  On the 13th June, the NFSVK held Annual National Congress of Korean Street Vendors. This was the 17th Congress since 1988. In 1988, Korean street vendors fought against the regime's suppression under the cloak of 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Through these struggles, we confirmed our solidarity with the national democratic movements of Korea and at last organized the national organization, NFSVK on October 1988. So every year around 13th June, the NFSVK has held the National Congress.

  This year's Congress was held at the Dongdae-mun Stadium. More than 6000 street vendors convened at this Congress and said: We said: "No Neo- liberalism!", "Solve Poverty Problems!", "No War! Don't Dispatch Troops to Iraq!", "Stop Crackdown on Street Vendors!"

  The Korean Social Solidarity for Soliving Poverty, the Korean People's Solidarity, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Korean Peasants League, the homeless and activists from Japan(delegates for the Asia Social & Peoples Movements Summit held on 14-15 June) and Korean Migrant Workers fighting against crackdown at Myeongdong Cathedral. Comrades from NEST, the Nepali Street Vendors Union, and those from SEWA were not able to be with us because Korean Embassies opposed to issue the visas with no understandable reason.

  After the Congress, we marched to the Silla Hotel where the World Economic Forum(WEF) East Asia Summit was being held from 13th to 15th June to discuss the ways of Neo-liberal Globalization and to give more freedom to transnational capital, while increasing poverty and deteriorating the rights of Asian workers and peoples, and to implement military strategies for expansion of military control over the Asian region.

  For this, we concentrated our powers to the struggles against the WEF and for the rights of the poor and the people. During the march and the struggles, we asian activists and peoples, -regular workers/irregular workers, formal workers/informal workers, peasants/small farmers, women/man, the disabled/abled, and poors/students- united and acted as one.

After the Congress, we participated in the Asia Social @ Peoples Movements Summit. We persuaded other participants to organize informal workers and informed them of the StreetNet's Asian Workshop and the International Conference on Combining Our Efforts for Organizing Workers in the Informal Economy. Especially, we participated in the thematic Workshops on 'Poors and Homeless', 'Irregular/Informal Workers and Labour Rights' and on 'Migrant Workers's Labor Rights and the task of Migrant Workers movement in Asia'. And we participated in the Pleanary Session discussing 'How to Strengthen Asia People's and Social Movement Solidarity' and 'Adoption of Declaration'. And finally, Kim Heung-hyun, the Co-president of NFSVK read the declaration named "Asia People and Social Movements Call to Action". It ends:

"We are in solidarity with the resistance of the Iraqis and Palestinian peoples, the struggles of migrant workers and irregular and informal workers, trade unions, peasants, small farmers, urban poor and women. We are committed to coordinate our actions, broaden and strengthen our struggles in Asia. Globalize the Hope!", "Globalize the Struggle!"

396    È£¼Ò! Àü Áø 2004/07/29  385
395    »êÀç ¹«·á »ó´ã Àü.»ê.Çù 2003/03/26  628
394    »ê¾÷ÀçÇØ ¹«·á»ó´ã Àü.»ê.Çù 2003/04/10  877
393    Àü±¹»êÀçÀÎÇùȸ¿¡¼­ »êÀ繫·á»ó´ãÇص帳´Ï´Ù. Àü.»ê.Çù 2003/06/18  935
392    Àü±¹»êÀçÀÎÇùȸ¿¡¼­ »êÀ繫·á»ó´ãÇص帳´Ï´Ù. Àü.»ê.Çù 2003/07/10  264
391    [Çʵ¶]430-¸ÞÀ̵¥ÀÌ ÅõÀï ÀÌ·¸°Ô ÇսôÙ!! Àü/ÇÐ/Åõ/À§ 2003/04/29  807
390    Àü±¹³ëµ¿ÀÚȸ Ãâ¹üÀ» ÃàÇÏÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ Àü±¹³ëµ¿ÀÚȸ 2003/04/24  758
389    ÇѼº´ë ÃÑ¿©ÇлýȸÀå ¹ÚÀ¯¸® µ¿ÁöÀÇ ÈÄ¿øȸ¿øÀÌ µÇ¾îÁÖ¼¼¿ä Àü±¹´ëÇлý°øµ¿Çൿ 2004/05/04  459
388    ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù Àü±¹º¸Çè³ëÁ¶ 2004/04/16  281
387    Æ¯¼ö°í¿ë³ëµ¿ÀÚ ³ëµ¿3±ÇÀ» º¸ÀåÇÏ°í ±Ù·Î±âÁعýÀ» Àü¸é Àû¿ëÇ϶ó! Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2004/06/20  454
386    ºñÁ¤±ÔÁ÷ ±Ç¸®º¸ÀåÀÔ¹ý ÀïÃë! õ»ç¹é¸¸ ³ëµ¿ÀÚ°¡ ³ª¼­ÀÚ! Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2004/07/14  342
385    [¼Ò½ÄÁö] ºñÁ¤±Ô °³¾Ç¾È ÀúÁö¿Í ±Ç¸®º¸Àå ÀÔ¹ýÀïÃ븦 À§ÇÑ ³ó¼ºÅõÀï 3ÀÏÂ÷ Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2004/09/18  322
384    [±ä±Þ°øÁö] À̹øÁÖ ÀÏÁ¤ º¯°æ ¹× ÃкÒÁýȸ ¾È³» Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2005/02/17  315
383    [ÃкÒÁýȸ]³ëµ¿¹ý °³¾Ç ÀúÁö, ±Ç¸®ÀÔ¹ýÀïÃë ÃкÒÁýȸ¿¡ ÇÔ²² ÇսôÙ. Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2005/02/17  388
382    [°øÁö]À̹ø ÁÖ ÀÏÁ¤ ¾È³»ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Àü±¹ºñÁ¤±Ô¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2005/03/01  315
381    [Âü¼¼»ó] °í¾ç½Ã dzµ¿ °­Á¦Ã¶°ÅÇöÀå µ¿¿µ»ó°ú ¸¸Çà Àü±¹ºó¹Î¿¬ÇÕ 2004/05/11  269
380    [Á¦¾È] ±¹¹Î¹ßÀÇÁ¦, ±¹¹Î¼ÒȯÁ¦ µµÀÔÀ» À§ÇÑ ±¹¹ÎÅõÇ¥ ½Ç½Ã¸¦ ¿ä±¸ÇսôÙ! Àü±¹Çлý¿¬´ëȸÀÇ 2004/03/16  273
379    ÁÖÇѹ̱º Àü·ÂÁõ°­À» °á»ç¹Ý´ëÇÔ! Àü±¹È¸ÀÇ ¿ï»ê(ÁØ) 2003/06/05  806
378    È£¼Ò> 100¸¸ ¼­¸í 10¸¸ Áý°á·Î, ¹ÌÁ¦ÀÇ ÀüÀïÃ¥µ¿ ÁþºÎ½Ã°í ¿ì¸®¹ÎÁ· »ì±æãÀÚ! Àü±¹È¸ÀÇ ¿ï»ê(ÁØ) 2003/07/14  501
377    [±¹Á¦³ëÁ¡»ó¿¬ÇÕ] Çѱ¹ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚµéÀÇ ÅõÀï Àü³ë·Ã 2003/11/20  274
376    [¼Ò½Ä] ±¹Á¦³ëÁ¡»ó¿¬ÇÕ Â÷¿ø¿¡¼­ Çѱ¹ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ/³ëÁ¡»óÅõÀï Áö¿ø Àü³ë·Ã 2004/02/13  368
375    ´Ù¸¥ ³ª¶ó¿¡ º¸³½ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ÅõÀï¼Óº¸ Àü³ë·Ã 2004/03/31  313
374    [News & Vod] Korean Migrant Workers' Struggle Àü³ë·Ã 2004/04/02  279
373    [Èıâ] ³×Æȳ뵿ÀÚ´ëȸ/±¹Á¦³ëÁ¡»ó¿¬ÇÕ È¸ÀÇ Àü³ë·Ã 2004/05/16  335
372    [»çÁø] ³×Æȳ뵿ÀÚ´ëȸ¿¡¼­ ¸¸³­ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ µ¿Áöµé [1] Àü³ë·Ã 2004/05/11  359
371    [±¹Á¦³ëÁ¡»ó¿¬ÇÕ] ¿Ü±¹¿¡ º¸³½ ÆíÁö¿Í ´ä½Å Àü³ë·Ã 2004/06/21  359
370    [¼º¸í] ¡°°í¿ëÇã°¡Á¦ ¹Ú»ì³»°í ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ±âº»±ÇÀ» ÀïÃëÇÏÀÚ¡± Àü³ë·Ã 2004/08/17  333
369    [¼Ò½Ä] ³×ÆÈ ¹öÁî¶ó µ¿Áö¿¡°Ô¼­ °£´ÜÇÑ ¼Ò½ÄÀÌ ¿Ô½À´Ï´Ù Àü³ë·Ã 2004/09/30  433
368    [ÀÇÁ¤ºÎ³ë·Ã] ³ëÁ¡»óµé µµ½ÉÇѺ¹ÆÇ¿¡¼­ ¿ë¿ª±øÆпÍÀÇ ÀüÀïÁß [3] Àü³ë·Ã 2004/11/05  611
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366    Àü³ëÅõ Á¦1Â÷ ¿î¿µÀ§¿øȸ À¥ÀÚº¸ Àü³ëÅõ 2004/08/26  286
365    ³ëµ¿ÀÚ ´ëȸ Àü¾ßÁ¦ µ¶ÀÚÁýȸ ¹®¿¹Âü°¡´Ü Á¦¾È ¹× Âü°¡ ½Åû¼­ Àü³ëÅõ 2004/11/03  338
364    ¼öµµ±Ç ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ Á¤½Ä Ãâ¹üÇÑ´Ù Àü¹Î¼º 2005/04/23  2122
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362    À̶óÅ© ÀüÀï ½ÃÀÛ! 7½Ã ±¤È­¹® Áýȸ µ¿ÂüÇսôÙ. ÀüÀï ¹Ý´ë 2003/03/20  577
361    ³»ÀÏÀº ±¹Á¦ °øµ¿ ¹ÝÀü ÇൿÀÇ ³¯!! ÀüÀï ¹Ý´ë 2003/04/11  704
360    ÅõÀï±â±Ý ¸¶·ÃÀ» À§ÇÑ Àüö¿¬ ÁÖÁ¡ÀÌ ¹Ù·Î ³»ÀÏÀÔ´Ï´Ù. Àüö¿¬ 2003/03/21  817
359    [¼ö¿ø ¸ÁÆ÷µ¿]"°¡¼ö¿ë ÀÔÁÖ½Ä"¿¡ µ¿ÁöµéÀ» ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Àüö¿¬ 2003/06/17  933
358    [±ä±Þ]»óµµµ¿Ã¶°Å¹Îµé¿¡°Ô Àü´ÞÇÒ ¹°Ç°À» ¸ðÁýÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Àüö¿¬ 2003/12/17  373
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355    ÀÏ»ê°æÂû¼­¾Õ Áýȸ¿¡ µ¿ÁöµéÀ» ¸ð½Ê´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/14  1115
354    ÀÏ»ê°æÂû¼­ ÁýȸÅõÀï ¹«»çÈ÷ ¸¶ÃƽÀ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/16  326
353    Ã¶°Å¹ÎµéÀÇ »ýÁ¸±Ç Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/07  332
352    Ã¶°Å±øÆеéÀÇ ¸¸Çà Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/08  328
351    Ä§Å»´çÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/08  497
350    Ç³µ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§ »óȲÀÔ´Ï´Ù! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/08  455
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348    Ç³µ¿¼Óº¸!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/10  573
347    ÁÖÅðø»ç¿Í ÀÏ»ê°æÂû¼­´Â °¢¿ÀÇ϶ó!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/10  325
346    °í¾ç°æÂû¼­Àå ÀÚÆøÇ϶ó!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/28  319
345    °è¼ÓµÇ´Â ö°Å±øÆеé°ú ±øÆаæÂûµéÀÇ È¾Æ÷!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/28  343
344    Çà½Åµ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§ ħŻÀ§±â!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/28  537
343    ¿ù°îµ¿ ö´ëÀ§ ħŻ!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/29  316
342    »ó¾Ïµ¿,Çà½Åµ¿,¿ù°îµ¿ ö°Å¹Î¿¡´ëÇÑ µ¿½Ãź¾Ð!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/27  330
341    µ¿ÁöµéÀ» ¸ð½Ê´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/05/27  287
340    µ¿ÁöµéÀÇ ¿¬´ë¸¦ ¿äûÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/06/08  257
339    ÁÖ¾Èö´ëÀ§ ÀÎõ½Ãû¾ÕÁýȸÀÔ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/06/10  345
338    »óµµµ¿±¸¼Óö°Å¹Îµé¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Åº¿ø¼­(»óµµ2µ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§¿Í 1¸¸ ¼­¿ï½Ã¹Î¿¬¸í) Àüö¿¬ 2004/07/15  427
337    [¼º¸í¼­] Àüö¿¬ 2004/07/07  333
336    »óµµµ¿ ±¸¼Óö°Å¹Îµé¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ½ÇÇü¼±°í °ü·Ã [ ¼º¸í¼­ ] Àüö¿¬ 2004/07/15  300
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334    ¿ù°îµ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§Ä§Å»!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/08/01  335
333    ºÏÆÄ°øÀÛ¿øµé Àüö¿¬»ç¹«½Ç ³­ÀÔ!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/08/04  380
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328    [°æ¾Ç!!]dzµ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ³ë°ñÀûÀÎ ºÐ¿­Ã¥µ¿!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/09/15  381
327    [±ä±Þ]Á¾·Î°æÂû¼­ÀÇ ÆļîÀû ÀÛÅÂ!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/09/17  319
326    [¼Óº¸]û¿Í´ë 1ÀνÃÀ§ÀåÀº ÇÕ¹ýÀ» °¡ÀåÇÑ ±¸¼ÓÀåÄ¡!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/09/19  339
325    »óµµ5µ¿°³¹ßÁö¿ªÀº °æÂû, ±øÆеéÀÇ Æø·Âõ±¹ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. Àüö¿¬ 2004/10/03  411
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323    Àüö¿¬»ç¹«½Ç ÀÌÀü °³¼Ò½Ä¿¡ ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Àüö¿¬ 2004/10/25  349
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320    µåµð¾î Ã⵿ÇÑ µ¿ºÎ°æÂû¼­ Æø·Â°æÂûµé!! Àüö¿¬ 2004/12/31  299
319    [Àϸ²]ÅõÀï±â±Ý¸¶·ÃÀ» À§ÇÑ 2005 Àüö¿¬ ÁÖÁ¡ ¹× ÈÄ¿ø¹®È­Á¦ Àüö¿¬ 2005/02/14  288
318    »ó¾Ï2°ø±¸ À̵¿¼ö À§¿øÀå 1½É ¡¿ª8¿ù¿¡ ¹ú±Ý 20¸¸¿ø!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/03/11  815
317    ÀÏÀνÃÀ§Çß´Ù°í ¡¿ª1³â6¿ù¿¡ ¹ú±Ý20¸¸¿ø!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/03/02  327
316    ½Å°î¸® ö°Å±øÆеé À쫆 ̦¼ö!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/03/08  299
315    ¸¶Áö¸· Àüö¿¬ À¥ÀÚº¸ ÀÔ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/03/18  281
314    [¿¬´ë¿äû]»ï°¢, ¼öÇϵ¿ ö°Å¹Î ÁýÁßÅõÀï¿¡ µ¿ÁöµéÀÇ Àû±ØÀûÀÎ ¿¬´ë¸¦ ¿äûÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/02  1332
313    [[±ä±Þ]] ½Å¼³µ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§ ħŻÁß!!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/03/30  265
312    [Áýȸ°øÁö] û¿Í´ëö°Å¹Î ÁýÁßÁýȸ¿¡ µ¿ÁöµéÀÇ Àû±ØÀûÀÎ ¿¬´ë¸¦ ¿äûÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/13  1016
311    Ã»¿Í´ë¾Õ ³ë¼÷ÅõÀïÀ» °­Á¦Ã¶°Å ÀÚÇàÇÏ´Â Á¾·Î±¸Ã» ÀÚÆøÇ϶ó!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/12  918
310    ½Ãû¾Õ Áýȸ ¹«»çÈ÷ ¸¶ÃƽÀ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/07  1023
309    <Áýȸ°øÁö> Àû±ØÀûÀο¬´ë¸¦ ¿äûÇÕ´Ï´Ù!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/05  825
308    ¼öûµ¿ ö´ëÀ§ ´ÜÀü´Ü¼öÁ¶Ä¡!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/18  831
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302    [°øÁö] 4.27(¼ö) 11½Ã ¼öûµ¿Ã¶°Å¹ÎÅõÀï Áø»óÁ¶»ç´Ü ±âÀÚȸ°ß ¹× 15½Ã ÁÖ°ø ±ÔźÁýȸ Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/25  842
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300    [¾Ë¸²] 430Àü¾ßÁ¦ Àüö¿¬ ÀåÅÍ·Î ¸ðÀԽôÙ!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/04/28  749
299    [°æ¾Ç] û·®¸® °æÂû¼­ °­·Â°èÀÇ »ìÀÎÀûÀΠȾÆ÷!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/02  1520
298    [Áýȸ°øÁö]È­¼º°æÂû¼­ ±Ôź Áýȸ!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/04  742
297    [Æß]¿À»ê ¼öûµ¿»ç°Ç °ü·Ã Áø»óÁ¶»ç´ÜÀÇ ÃÖÁ¾º¸°í¼­ Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/19  3802
296    [¼Óº¸] ¸é¸ñµ¿Ã¶´ëÀ§ öÁ¶¸ÁÀ¸·Î °í¸³ Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/14  951
295    ±¹°¡ÀαÇÀ§´Â ¹«¾ùÀ» Çϴ°¡!! Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/15  2739
294    ¼öûµ¿»óȲ Àüö¿¬ 2005/05/15  755
293    [¼º¸í¼­] ¹ÎÁÖ³ëÃÑÀº ÀüÇØÅõ ÇØü¿Í ³ë»çÁ¤À§ Âü°¡ ±âµµ¸¦ Áï°¢ Áß´ÜÇ϶ó!! ÀüÇØÅõ 2004/07/16  320
292    <Á¦¾È> '2004³â ÀüÇØÅõ¡¤Àüö¿¬ ¿©¸§ÅõÀï(°¡)' ÀüÇØÅõ¡¤Àüö¿¬ 2004/08/01  428
291    [¾È»ê]ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ¹®È­Á¦ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. [1] Á¤¸éµ¹ÆÄ 2004/10/20  282
290    6th ¾È»êÀÌÁÖ¹®È­Á¦ Á¤¸éµ¹ÆÄ 2005/03/23  271
289    °í¾ç½Ã,¿Ü±¹Àγ뵿ÀÚ¼±±³¼¾Å¸,µ¿¿ªÀÚ¿øÇÔ. Á¤¹Ù¿ï 2003/06/19  757
288    Á¤¸³È¸°ü ¹ÎÁÖÈ­¸¦ À§ÇÑ Á¡°Å ÅõÀï Á¤¹ßƯÀ§ 2004/06/23  320
287    ºó°ï°¡Á¤ û¼Ò³â ±³À°Áö¿øÀ» À§ÇÑ ³ª´® Äܼ­Æ® - Ǫ¸¥Èñ¸Á ¸¸µé±â!! Á¤¿¬°© 2004/02/05  343
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285    [Æß]¿Ü±¹ÀÎ ³óºÎµé '¸ð¼Å¿Â´Ù' , 5¿ùºÎÅÍ ¿¬¼ö»ý ¹èÁ¤¡¦ 6°³±¹ 2500¿©¸í ±Ô Á¤¿µ¼· 2003/03/17  720
284    3¿ù 28ÀÏ ³ëµ¿ºÎ º¸µµÀÚ·á Á¤¿µ¼· 2003/03/31  1285
283    "Á¤À±±¤ ´ç´ëÇ¥ Èĺ¸ ±âÀÚȸ°ß ±â»ç º¸±â" Á¤À±±¤ 2004/05/19  253
282    "Á¤À±±¤ Èĺ¸ YTN ´ë´ã º¸±â" Á¤À±±¤ ¼±º» 2004/05/20  243
281    Á¤À±±¤ Èĺ¸, ´ëÅë·É¿¡ ¸é´ã ÃßÁø ¹àÇô Á¤À±±¤ ¼±º» 2004/05/21  334
280    Á¤À±±¤ ¼­¿ïÁö¿ª(¿ë»ê öµµ¿þµùȦ) À¯¼¼¹® Á¤À±±¤ ¼±º» 2004/05/22  428
279    ´çÁöµµºÎ´Â Áö±ÝÀÌ¶óµµ 6.5 À纸±È¼±°Å¿¡ Àû±Ø ´ëÀÀÇ϶ó! Á¤À±±¤¼±º» 2004/05/30  324
278    [6.5 À纸¼±] 5/30 Á¤À±±¤ Èĺ¸ Áö¿ø ÀÏÁ¤ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. Á¤À±±¤¼±º» 2004/05/30  318
277    ´ç Áö¿ªÁ¶Á÷ °­È­, Áß¾Ó´çÀÌ Ã¥ÀÓÁø´Ù! Á¤À±±¤¼±º» 2004/06/01  315
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