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Name   Àü³ë·Ã
Subject   [News & Vod] Korean Migrant Workers' Struggle

Dear comrades

¸®¾óÇ÷¹À̾ À©µµ¿ì¹Ìµð¾îÇ÷¹À̾î

>> "Stop Crackdown"(by Mun Sung-joon, 2003)

Yesterday, Samar Thapa, a prominent ETU-MB(Equality Trade Union-Migrant Branch) organizer and the president of Korean Migrant Workers" Sit-in Struggles, was deported to Nepal by Korean government early yesterday.(He was from Nepal)

Korean migrant workers in the Sit-in Struggles and many activists of other organisations demanded not to deport him, because in many cases Korean migrant workers who hadd fought against crackdown, were treated as "Terrorists" by the governments after being deported to their home-countries..Especially, Nepal is under internal war. So we"ve worried what will happen if comrade SamarThapa being deported to Nepal.

And it was not concluded by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, whether it will be good or not to deport him under Nepal"s internal war situation,(They"ve already submitted a petttion to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea)

But Korean government deported him. It is illegal and Korean goernment trampled upon human rights.

Please send a letter, fax or email to the President of South Korea and express your concern of this matter.

Send a letter:

Mr. Roh Moo-hyun
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-820,
Tel: +822 770-0018
Fax: +822 770-0202 or 770-0347 / +822 770-2579 (for appeal)
E-mail: or

Send a copy to:

Ms. Kang Kum-sil
Minister of Justice
1 Jungang-ro, Gwachon-si,
Gyonggi Province, 427-760
Fax: +822 503 3532, or 822 26506295/ +822 503 7046 (HR Department)
E-mail:, or

Chang-kook Kim
President of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea
16 Euljiro 1-ga, Jung-gu
Seoul 100 842
Tel: +82 2 2125 9700
Fax: +82 2 2125 9811 / 9666

Mr Y. Nodera
Regional Director
ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Building, 11th Floor
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, P.O. Box 2-349
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: 66 2 288 1710, 288 1755
Fax: 66 2 288 3056 (direct), 288 3062

Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro
Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants
OHCHR-UNOG, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10,
Tel: +41 22 917 9000
Fax: + 41 22 917 9011

Sample letter:

The Korean Government must immediately stop the massive arrest and deportation of undocumented migrant workers

Dear President Roh Moo-hyun,

I am writing to bring to your attention the ongoing arrests, detention and deportation of undocumented migrants in South Korea.

Seven undocumented workers have already committed suicide, and many human rights abuses by immigration officials have been reported since the crackdown on migrant workers began last November. Moreover, I was shocked to learn that the detention center authorities have denied providing appropriate medical treatment to the hunger strike participants, who are in critical condition.

Also, I would like to appeal to the Korean Government"s repression against the Equality Trade Union - Migrants" Branch (ETU-MB), which is actively supporting the campaign for undocumented migrants in South Korea. The right to protest is a basic human right that is guaranteed by Article 22(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which is Korean Government is a state party.

I strongly urge the Korean government to immediately stop the ruthless crackdown and deportation of "undocumented" migrant workers. The Korean Government must stop repress the ETU-MB activists, in accordance with Article 22(3) of the ICCPR. I also call for the South Korean government to abolish the Industrial Trainee System, revoke the Employment Permit System and install proper legal protection for migrant workers in full accordance with international standards and laws. I further urge the South Korean government to legalize all undocumented migrant workers, release all detained migrant workers, and fully ensure their labour rights by law.

Yours truly,

396    12¿ù10ÀÏ ³ëµ¿ÀÇ»õº® 20ÁÖ³â ÇåÁ¤°ø¿¬¿¡ ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù ±è»ó¿± 2004/12/06  293
395    ¾Æ¸§´Ù¿î °æ¼±À»³¡¸¶Ä¡¸ç ÀÌ¿µÈñ¼±´ëº» 2004/06/01  293
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390    4.15 ÃѼ±ÇöÀå ´ë±¸.. blue 2004/04/10  293
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375    »þ¸» ŸÆĸ¦ »ì·Á³À½Ã´Ù!!! ÀÌÇö±Ý 2004/03/21  291
374    [Movie] Stop! Crackdown!! (³ó¼º 22ÀÏ~27ÀÏ, 12¿ù 11ÀϱîÁö) ÀÚ¸·º¸Á¤ ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2003/12/11  291
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308    [¾È»ê]ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ¹®È­Á¦ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. [1] Á¤¸éµ¹ÆÄ 2004/10/20  276
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302    kbs 1tv ¼¼»óÀÇ ¾Æħ Áß¿¡¼­.. ... 2004/04/10  276
301    ºÎÈ°ÇÏ´Â º½ »ç¶÷»ç¶û 2004/03/18  276
300    °í¿ëÇã°¡Á¦ ½Ç½Ã ÀüºÎÅÍ ºÎ´ç³ëµ¿ÇàÀ§ ½É°¢ ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2004/02/10  276
299    À̶óÅ© ħ·« Ç×ÀÇ1ÁÖ³â 3.20±¹Á¦ ¹ÝÀüÇൿ¿¡ ÇÔ²²ÇսôÙ!!! ¹ÝÀüÆòÈ­°øµ¿Çൿ(ÁØ) 2004/01/29  276
298    [Movie] ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚµéÀÇ Áñ°Å¿î ¿ÜÃâ (7ºÐ) ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2003/11/27  276
297    ¿À´Ã(27ÀÏ) ¹ÝÀüÅä·Ðȸ°¡ ÀÖ¾î¿ä~(¿¬»ç: È«¼¼È­, Á¤¿í½Ä) ¹ÝÀüÆòÈ­°øµ¿Çൿ 2003/11/27  276
296    »ï¼ºÀÇ ºñÀΰ£¼º µå·¯³ª´Ù »ï¼ºÇغ¹Åõ 2003/10/26  276
295    "Àαǰú Ä£±¸Çϱâ 2003" ¿©·¯ºÐÀ» ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù Àαǿ»ç¶û¹æ 2003/07/25  276
294    2Â÷ â¿øÁö¿ªÅõÀï¼Óº¸-3ÀÏÂ÷ ±Ý°­È­¼¶³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ 2005/03/24  275
293    2Â÷ â¿øÁö¿ªÅõÀï - 2ÀÏÂ÷ º¸°í ±Ý°­È­¼¶³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ 2005/03/22  275
292    <Áýȸ°øÁö>µ¿ÀÎõ ÀºÇϽǾ÷ ¾Õ Áýȸ! Æòµî³ëÁ¶ 2004/06/03  275
291    ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù Àü±¹º¸Çè³ëÁ¶ 2004/04/16  275
290      [re] Àý´ë¾ÈµÈ´Ù ±æ 2004/04/05  275
289    [°Ç¼³ÀÏ¿ë³ëÁ¶ ÅõÀ￵»ó] °ø¾Èź¾Ð Áß´ÜÇ϶ó!! (6ºÐ) ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2004/02/11  275
288    [Áß¾ÓÀϺ¸9¿ù21ÀÏÀÚ] ³ëµ¿ºÎ Á÷¾÷»ó´ã¿ø ³ëÁ¶ Æľ÷ À¯º¸ ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/09/25  275
287    ¹ÎÁ־Ȼê(¾È»êÁö±¸) ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/08/21  275
286      ¢É 4³â ÀÌ»ó ºÒ¹ýü·ùÀÚ µî¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­´Â 11.15±îÁö ÀÚÁøÃâ±¹±â°£ ¼³Á¤, ÀÌÈÄ °­·ÂÇÑ ´Ü¼Ó ½Ç½Ã ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/08/15  275
285    ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚ ¹®Á¦¸¦ °í¹ÎÇÏ´Â ºÐµé, ½Ç¹« ÀÚ¿øºÀ»çÀÚ ºÐµé²² ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÀÌÈ­¿©´ë Çå¹ýÇÐȸ 2003/07/30  275
284    [ÅõÀï¼Óº¸]°æ±âµµ Æò³»µ¿ ÀÌÁֳ뵿ÀÚÆøÇà, ±ä±ÞÇ×ÀÇ°áÀÇ´ëȸÁøÇà ÀÌÁÖÁöºÎ 2003/07/22  275
283    ¼­¿ï¿©¼º³ëÁ¶ ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö¿¡ ÃÊ´ëÇÕ´Ï´Ù ¼­¿ï¿©¼º³ëÁ¶ 2004/11/04  274
282    ºÒ¹ý Àå±âü·ùÀڵ鿡°Ô ¿µÁÖ±Ç º¸ÀåÀ» ¿ä±¸ÇÏ¸ç ±úöÀÌ(Æß) 2004/07/27  274
281    ÀÌÇöÁß ÀÌÇس²¿­»ç Á¤½Å°è½Â»ç¾÷ȸ ⸳ÃÑȸ ¹× Ãâ¹ü½Ä ¿­»çȸ(¼¼¿ø) 2004/06/10  274
280    ÀÚ¶û Âù ³ëµ¿ÀÚÀÇ À̸§À¸·Î Á¤À±±¤ µ¿Áö¸¦ ÁöÁöÇÑ´Ù! ³ëµ¿ÀÚ 2004/05/23  274
279    [2003~2004 ÅõÀ￵»ó] ³ëµ¿Àº...(¹öÀü¾÷) ½£¼ÓÈ«±æµ¿ 2004/04/30  274
278    ±Þº¸! ÀÏ»êdzµ¿ ö´ëÀ§ ħŻ ÇöÀç»óȲ! »óÁø 2004/04/23  274
277    3.20 À̶óÅ© ħ·« 1³â Àü¼¼°è ¹ÝÀüÇൿ¿¡ ÇÔ²² ÇսôÙ!!! 320Á¶Á÷À§ 2004/02/19  274
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