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Name   no chr.!
Subject   Ú¸Ïп¡¼­ ÆíÁö/a letter from the u.s.

Int'l secretary

Hello Christian-

Your email to Maria Elena Durazo of UNITE HERE! has been forwarded to me as Director of International Affairs for our union. On behalf of our 440,000 members throughout the US and Canada, we send greetings and warm wishes of support and solidarity to your members who are engaged in the sit-in strike at the Myeong-dong cathedral.

UNITE HERE! represents large numbers of immigrant workers. Our union was the leading force behind the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride that took place a year ago in the US. That action was based on the freedom rides of the 1960¡¯s in the US to gain equal rights for black Americans at that time. Our freedom ride was also done to change the course of social dialog away from those who would equate immigrants with terrorists. Approximately 1000 people rode 19 busses across America and converged in Washington DC to show their support on this issue. Additionally, tens of thousands of people participated in support actions along the routes of the busses. The largest  demonstration in recent history then took place in New York City, with several hundred thousand people in support of immigrant workers¡¯ rights.

We are currently involved in collective bargaining in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington DC where one of the main issues is rights of immigrant workers in the US. In fact, we are currently engaged in strikes in 14 hotels in San Francisco. One of our goals is to continue to create a national discussion of immigrant workers¡¯ rights. We continue to work with social justice groups engaged in promoting the cause of immigrants, and have forged a coalition that, among other things, is now demanding and supporting the right of immigrants to organize unions where they work. We feel that only with the protection of strong unions can immigrant workers make real changes for themselves and their families.

Thank you for contacting us. We wish you every success in your fight, and look forward to working with the KCTU on issues of mutual support.

In solidarity,

Debbie Anderson

Director of International Affairs
+813 633-0015 Telephone
+813 633-5065 Fax

156    ±¹¹Î¹ßÀÇ! ±¹¹Î¼Òȯ! ¸¸¹Î°øµ¿È¸¸¦ ÇÔ²² ÇսôÙ! ±¹¹Î¹ßÀÇ 2004/04/07  252
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148    1¿ù 4ÀÏ ÀÇÁ¤ºÎ¿ªÁýȸ »çÁøÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±¸¸®½ÃÁö±¸´ç 2004/01/04  249
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146    ¾Æ ¸áÀ» µå·È´Âµ¥... ±¸¸£´Â °õ 2003/05/14  739
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136    Åº¿ø¼­ °ø´ëÀ§ 2003/08/29  681
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