peoples power in Thailand.  
"APWSL-MAILING" <>   | Asis Pacific Workers Solidarity Links Korea

   Dear Parat,  you and the other comrades.

Greetings from Korea.  Thank you for your mail.

We are sorry to hear about the military coup in Thailand.

Just now we are watching in the TV news that a new military government has been started in Thailand.

We are sorry to hear about the blocking of communications of news and TV and radio  by the Thailand govt.

Though the government stopped all these we believe in peoples solidarity and network And people can communicate through mails with the people of other countries and make broadcasting possible.

Previously similar situation happened in Venezuela, Cuba, Indonesia, and other countries..

but people  overcame that hard situation by their solidarity and communicated all the news through internet with each other and formed a solid network to show peoples power in achiving their freedom of press and their labor rights.  

I know that there is hard situation. but together with the friends of other countries through internet news you can fight the problem and

achieve your freedom. The previous Prime minister Mr. Takshin  did not  give freedom to the workers Union.

But small groups which formed are the strong groups in making big power with their solidarity. We support your struggle with the  peoples power

Making small groups with people power in will become a big power.

So wish you all the best in all your activities.