Comrades Torna and Sobur in Cheongju Deportation Detention Center

Crackdown on Migrants' Trade Union Leaders (MWTV, 5.04)

Two leaders of Migrants' Trade Union(MTU) were targeted for crackdown by Immigration officers.

Last Friday(5.02) at 8pm, Torna Limbu, the chairperson of MTU, was taken off when he was heading for the rally to stop the U.S beef imports. About 10 immigration officers waited outside the MTU office for a chance and caught him in an instant. An hour later, Abdus Sobur, the vice-chairperson, was also taken away by the immigration officers who were hiding near his home.

The next day at the press conference in front Seoul Immigration Office, Torna has  been quoted that he is alright and earnestly told migrant workers and activists to keep struggling. Confined now since last Sunday in Cheongju Immigration Detention Center, Torna is known to be injured on his waist and shoulder while being taken away from Seoul Immigration Detention Center.

The government of Lee Myung-bak has made absurd remarks that they will eliminate all migrant workers and this can be seen as the sign that the government will get down to suppression on MTU.

MTU had a press confrence to denounce the government and urgent meeting in front of Seoul Immigration Office. An rally with civic groups/press conference is scheduled for May 6th at 11am at the Government Complex Building near Gwanghwamun.