글 수 340
263 Philippines Asan Migrant Festival 10th. Sept. 2006 12:00 close to KTX Railway Station 5
Asan Sarang Nanum
20690   2006-09-01 2011-09-26 19:52
ASAN MIGRANTS FESTIVAL, 10 SEPT. 2006 12:00 close to RAILWAY STATION BY KTX 제 3회 외국인과 함께하는 섬김축제 일 시 : 2006. 9. 10 (일) 오후 12시 ~ 오후 7시 장 소 : 아산 신정호 시민공원 아산사랑나눔회 사무실 (041-534-4004, 011-406-2468) E-mail : soh1202@hanmail.net Festival ketiga PELAYANAN BRSAMA ORANG ASING 10 September 2006 Jam 12:00 – 19:00 di Taman Si Min, Asan Shin Jong Ho Dekat Stasiun Kereta Api KTX Jadual Keberangkatan Kereta Api dari Seoul adalah: jam 9:10 atau jam 9:35 ...  
262 Thailand ASAN FESTIVAL 10TH. SEPT. 2006 12:00 P.M. 3
Muslim Mustika
20709   2006-08-25 2011-06-22 16:20
제 3회 외국인과 함께하는 섬김축제 일 시 : 2006. 9. 10 (일) 오후 12시 ~ 오후 7시 장 소 : 아산 신정호 시민공원 아산사랑나눔회 사무실 (041-534-4004, 011-406-2468) E-mail : soh1202@hanmail.net Festival ketiga PELAYANAN BERSAMA ORANG ASING 10 September 2006 Jam 12:00 – 19:00 di Taman Si Min, Asan Shin Jong Ho Keterangan lebih lanjut: Asan Sarang Nanum Kantor: 041 534 4004 Handphone 010 8697 3897 dalam bahasa Indonesia E mail: Wismaindonesia@yahoo.com Dritten Festival mit Gastarbeitern 10. September...  
261 Bangladesh Can Jesus forgive the SINS of human being
Muhammad Zaen
20718   2006-03-08 2011-06-22 16:31
Can Jesus forgsive the SINS of Human being? CAN JESUS FORGIVE THE SINS OF HUMAN BEING? In Indonesia, where the Moslem populations are almost 80 % of all Indonesian populations, we get always the questions from the Moslem peoples "Can Jesus forgive the sins of human being?". If we do not know about our Lord Jesus, maybe we can not answer that question correctly, because most of Christians just believe that Jesus can forgive the Sins of human being, or maybe we just become a Christians be...  
260 Nepal 네팔 - 왕정 독재에 맞서 총파업이 벌어지다 file
검 구릉
20731   2006-02-09 2011-06-22 16:38
http://mtu.or.kr 지난 1월 26일 네팔에서 총파업이 벌어졌다. 이 파업은 갸넨드라 국왕의 왕정 독재에 반대하는 야당들이 조직한 것이다. 파업으로 네팔 전역이 마비됐고 왕정에 반대하는 대규모 가두 시위들이 벌어졌다. 파업은 국왕이 선포한 ‘면피용’ 선거의 후보자 등록 마감 시한에 맞춰 벌어졌다. 7개 정당으로 구성된 야당연합은 이 선거들에 대한 보이코트와 “완전한 민주주의”의 회복을 요구해 왔다. 그 전 21일에 벌어진 시위에는 계엄령을 무시하고 수많은 사람들이 거리로 쏟아져 나왔고 경찰과 세 시간 동안 격렬한 시가전을 벌였다. 소요 진압을 위...  
259 Vietnam Free Summer Retreat 2
20758   2008-06-10 2011-06-22 16:19
Please open this: http://www.terrorismawareness.org/know-about-jihad ======================================================== FREE SUMMER RETREAT August 10, 2008, the location is about one hour by bus from Dobong Station, you will get a good dormitory, delicious food and a fantastic Gospel. Registration can be done from this Sunday on by Sister Nancy, Sister Tammi, Brother Randy and Evangelist Lee Hyuk Jin (Paul) Room 406, between 10:30 - 12:00 O'clock, please hurry up to registered your f...  
258 Philippines September meeting at Asan near Cheonan 4
Asan Sarang Nanum
20938   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:26
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
257 China Please partisipate September 16, 2007, 13:00 ONYANG ONCHEON STATION 4
21261   2007-06-17 2011-06-22 16:14
Today June 17, 2007 the Prosperous Peaceful Party in the Republic of Korea has made a special actions to cut the hair of their members before the Immigration Police of Korea will arrested them between July 1 to July 31, 2007. And since today there is no members of PARTAI DAMAI SEJAHTERA who carry a long hair anymore. For that purpose the Korean people were very happy and they want to make a festival on Sunday the September 16, 2007 started 13:00, and the partisans should arrive in...