글 수 340
249 Uzbekistan September meeting at Asan Close to Cheonan
Asan Sarang Nanum
48464   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:37
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
248 Sri Lanka September meeting at Asan close to Cheonan
Asan Sarang Nanum
36141   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:37
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
247 Buma September meeting at Asan, close to Cheonan
Asan Sarang Nanum
27881   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:37
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
246 Nepal September meeting at Asan, close to Cheonan
Asan Sarang Nanum
51842   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:46
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
245 Pakistan September meeting at Asan, close to Cheonan
Asan Sarang Nanum
67572   2006-06-20 2011-06-22 16:49
In September 2006 we will make a meeting for all Migrantworkers in Korea for 3 days, there are many traditionals foods to eat from each countries, till this date, the countries which have already registered are: China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, in case you intend to joint with us, please be so kind to phone Mrs. Ahn San Ae 010 3030 8462 in Korean or Chinese, she can give you an other telephone number in case she can not understand your language. The meeting will be hold in Asan,...  
244 Pakistan Good news for Pakistan Migrantworkers in Korea
49826   2006-06-23 2011-06-22 16:49
근/196;복지공단(이사장 방용석)은 방글라데시 등을 포함해 11개의 주한 외국공관의 노/924;관들을 한국외국인근/196;자지원센터(대표 김해성 /785;사)/196; 초청해 간담회/484; 갖고, 한국정부가 외국인근/196;자에 대한 관심과 지원을 아끼지 않고 있음을 지난 9일 보여줬다. 한국외국인근/196;자지원센터는 현재 50/564; /749;에 육박하는 외국인근/196;자들을 상담과 교육, 복지, 의/308;, /928;화, 신/928;, 방송 등에서 어/140;움이 없게 하기 위해 봉사하는 정부차원으/196; 수/549;한 기관이라고 한다. 개소한 이/000;/196; 연간 연인원 1/564; 7천/749;의 외국인들이 방/928;해 여/084; 지원을...  
243 Bangladesh Good News for Bangla Migrantworkers in Korea
18230   2006-06-23 2011-06-22 16:59
근/196;복지공단(이사장 방용석)은 방글라데시 등을 포함해 11개의 주한 외국공관의 노/924;관들을 한국외국인근/196;자지원센터(대표 김해성 /785;사)/196; 초청해 간담회/484; 갖고, 한국정부가 외국인근/196;자에 대한 관심과 지원을 아끼지 않고 있음을 지난 9일 보여줬다. 한국외국인근/196;자지원센터는 현재 50/564; /749;에 육박하는 외국인근/196;자들을 상담과 교육, 복지, 의/308;, /928;화, 신/928;, 방송 등에서 어/140;움이 없게 하기 위해 봉사하는 정부차원으/196; 수/549;한 기관이라고 한다. 개소한 이/000;/196; 연간 연인원 1/564; 7천/749;의 외국인들이 방/928;해 여/084; 지원을...